35| Avoidance

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Avoidance: noun
the act of avoiding or keeping away from. Synonyms include eluding, evading, escaping, dodging...

     Avoidance is exactly how I plan on my day going.

     When it's time for breakfast to begin, like always, I arrive at school and hurry inside. However, my usual path has been altered after my wonderful dinner date with Anson and his Dad. More specifically, after the fiasco that ensued in the time since then and this very moment.

     I haven't heard from Anson since the minute I bolted from his car. Which can be expected. I wouldn't want to talk to me either.

    I talked to Bryce, however, and concluded he would be of no help.

    I don't need Bryce, anyways. His loyalties lie with Anson.

   Today, I'm going to spend time with my truest friend, Fern. My feet carry me down the hall and into the bandroom where she spends the mornings, almost.

    As soon as I turn the corner to the band hallway, I spot a familiar blond head of hair. Anson stands and discusses something with another football player. He is out of earshot, but I know it must be something sports-related.

    My heart sinks to the pit of my stomach. My mouth clamps shut like a metal bear trap, and I resolve to get into the bandroom without a word to him.

    "Blue!" I hear his deep voice echo from his end of the hallway, and I know he's finally noticed me.

    I ignore him as he rushes towards me, I speed up, reach for the door handle of the bandroom, and enter. I sigh in relief and spot Fern and her boyfriend holding hands and talking. My face flushes and I clear my throat.

    "Indie!" Fern squeals excitedly, and pulls me to sit down beside of the pair of them.

    My expression is serious;  her smile falters.

   "What's wrong?"

     "I don't want to dry out my dirty laundry here."

     "What the hell?" she snickers.

    I roll my eyes. "I was being figurative. I don't want to detail all my problems out." I explain.

    Fern leans close to my face and whispers. "I can tell Leo to leave."

    My eyes flicker over to her tall, dark boyfriend. "That's not necessary." I say.

    "Can I help you?"

     I shake my head. "I just need a place to hang out. I'm avoiding Anson."

    Fern's mouth opens in surprise. Beside her, Leo sharply inhales. "Is that why he was in a piss mood this morning?"


    Leo blinks at me. "He stormed into the locker room and gave us all a lecture. I was wondering what got into him."

    "It's probably not me." I say, feeling a pang in my chest.

    Fern grabs my attention. "Look, giving someone the cold-shoulder is kinda hard to do. Especially when you have classes with them."

    I didn't think about that..

    "And.. I mean, are you sure you can't just talk to him and figure this out?" Her green eyes are wide. "I thought you liked him. Is that not worth a shot to save?"

     I think. "Talking to him won't work. I already know what he'll say. I don't have the heart to hear it all over again."


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