19| Tears

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Trigger warning: (This chapter contains scenes of toxic masculinity, overpowering a female, non consent. There is no sex, but if you have been through a similar situation, it may be upsetting. It's my job to warn my readers. Thanks)


        "Shut up and kiss me, Indie!" Kyle grabs me by the wrists and presses me against his mattress.

     I am hyper aware of his legs on either side of me. He presses his lips against my cheek, and I wriggle beneath him.

Holy shit! What's happening?!

     "Get off, Kyle." I scream.

He peers down at me through his devilish green eyes.

     "You'll be a slut for Anson but won't even kiss me?" He yells, pulling a fistful of hair in his hand in an attempt to forcefully kiss me.

     "Let go!" I cry in desperation, feeling tears of shock and fear splash down my cheek.

     Please don't touch me Kyle! Let me go. Let me go.

"Calm down, Indie!" Kyle says in a hushed panic. He looks menacing.

I feel one of his hands on the waistband to my leggings. My heart drops down to my navel and I kick him as hard as I can in the chest. He grunts angrily and pounces.

I feel the air being temporarily knocked out of my lungs.

"Stop!" I gasp.

     I hear pounding on the door, and try to scream again.

     "Indie? Are you in there?" I hear Anson's sweet, deep voice from the other side of the door and I yell a reply.

     Save me Anson, please!

      Kyle shoves his hands over my mouth desperately, stifling my cries. "Make a sound and I'll punish you for the rest of your life!" He threatens.

I ignore his threat and scream again.

"Indie!" Anson hears my yell and begins pummeling his fist against the wooden door.

     "Get the hell away, Anson." Kyle yells. "Indie is fine. We're role-playing."

     I hear more pounding. "Open up limp-dick!"

     I recognize another voice, Bryce.

     Instant gratitude flares in my chest for him.

     My voice strains to be heard over Kyle, his fingers dig into my wrists as he holds me down.

     "Open the damn door Kyle or I'll break it down." Anson threatens.

     The boys' determination keeps me fighting against Kyle. My tears well up in my eyes and everything goes blurry, but I don't stop.

    Even as Kyle continues to suck on my skin, moaning like a bastard, I wriggle beneath him desperately. I start to exhaust, and almost give up, but when I don't give Kyle enough satisfaction and when he hears Anson's final threats,  he hesitates.

     "Open up Kyle." The boys yell.

     Finally, he releases me and stalks over to the door. "What a hypocritical slut." Kyle yells from across the room.

His words feel like a kick to the already-bruised chest. I wipe tears from my eyes and collapse onto the bed crying.

     Meanwhile, Kyle cracks the door open, and Anson pries past him in a hurry. Bryce in turn shoves Kyle to the wall in wait to beat him.

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