54| A second time

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warning: slightly sexual scene ahead

Now you know.

    I think about Anson's declaration of protecting me from his thoughts. I think about Bryce possibly losing the ability to walk, even if he survives. Now I know what's been going on around me. I wipe my tearstained cheeks on my shoulders.

        Tonight has just been a whirlwind.

     I look at Anson as he hovers over me. I press against his plush mattress. His hands slowly release my wrists, but I don't move. I halfway wish he'd take them up again.

"I'm sorry." My eyes are watery once more. "But that's all you had to say."

He breathes deeply and helps me sit up. I look at him longingly; he notices and pulls me to his lap.

"I love you." I say. "I don't want to fight like this."

His eyes are hooded. I press closer to him. "I don't either." He whispers. "I just want to enjoy you and our time together without worrying all the time."

"Life's always going to be a war zone around us, Anson..." My voice trails off before I finally continue my thought. "What's important is how you and I battle through it. Whether it's together or separately, I've got your back."

He takes a deep breath; his eyes scouring over my face. I rest my head on his chest as his hands rub my back. "I've got your back, too."


     I relax at his reassuring words. Feeling as if we've just dodged a bullet, I lovingly wrap my arms around his torso. I kiss his cheek, heart nearly exploding from my chest.

     His thumb gently caresses my cheek, rubbing my once-tearful skin with care. Silently, He presses me up against the headboard of the bed, slowly covering me with greedy, sloppy, and loving kisses.

      "I want you with me tonight." His breath is hot on my neck. "Forget my fears and the argument. I want to make love to you, and I want you here with me until morning."

    A complex bundle of emotions begins to unravel in my abdomen. Every second that passes, Anson's need for me to stay seems to grow. His body is firm against my frontside; the headboard is firm against my backside.

" a second time?" I ask seriously, gripping the bedsheets beneath me with one hand. "Will it compare to the first?"

He presses his lips to my collarbone. "I'll let you be the judge."

    My skin tingles excitedly. I pull my shirt off slowly. When he watches me, I notice the muscles in his arms flex. I admire his build from my spot on his mattress. He slowly pulls off his shirt, revealing his perfect figure.

Goosebumps appear on my skin. "Why is it so cold in here?" I whisper frustratedly.

"You won't be saying that when I'm done with you." Anson's lips develop into a smirk; he lingers over my body. With shallow breaths his chest rises and falls.

     "Haven't you done enough to me, tonight?" I smirk back, trying to calm my rapidly beating heart.

    His fingers caress my bare skin as he whispers into my ear. He cups my face with a hand.

    "Take off your damn pajama pants."

I stick out my tongue and slip them off. "Your turn." I quickly counter.

He takes my hands and pulls them to his body, pressing them to his bare abdominals. Electricity courses through my hands as he releases them.

Fixated on him, my fingers travel down to his pants. I pull them off quietly. Then, revealing to him the bra clasp at my back, I let him strip me confidently.

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