45| Champagne caresses

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      "Something you've never told anyone else." Anson says, while I take a sip of the last of the champagne. His cheeks are rosy with warmth and he smiles at me.

     I hiccup and laugh. "Never?"

     "Never." He chuckles and presses his face to my cheek.

     I try to think straight to answer his question honestly. What have I never told anyone?

     "Before my dad left," I sigh, "I heard him arguing to my mom that he wanted to take me with him. I would've had a better life with him, but I wouldn't have had a mother." I blink over at Anson, who rests on his back and looks up at me curiously.

    I throw the empty champagne bottle onto the carpeted floor and lie back beside of him. "They made me choose between them."

     "Your parents?" He questions. "Who could do that to their kid?"

     I blink up at the popcorn ceiling. "Kids are supposed to have both parents. It's unnatural to be forced to choose one."

    Anson shakes his head. "It's unnatural to not be given a choice."

    I look at him in deep understanding. "We're unnatural, I guess."

     "I don't believe that." He inches closer to my face, and I trace my fingertips up his bare chest.

     "Why?" I ask as he rolls from his place, pushing himself off of the bed and hovering over where I lay.

    "You're the most natural thing about my life. You're good. You have common sense. You're pretty. You're funny." He laughs. "If I wasn't drunk I might be able to put it a better way."

     I flutter my eyelashes from beneath him. "I don't think being drunk makes you any less capable of complimenting me." I giggle. "Keep going."

     His pupils flicker across my face. He sweeps a lock of hair behind my right ear with a hand. "See, you're funny." He smirks.

     "I wasn't trying to be." I say. "You know, sometimes I want you to take me seriously."

     "I do." He says, planting a soft kiss on my face.

      "You treat me like a delicate little girl." I press a finger to his chin and angle his face towards mine. "Sometimes I think you forget that I'm not just.." I struggle to find the right words.

     Anson rubs both of my arms gently and listens. "I don't really think about what I'm doing, I'll be honest."

    "I know that."

    "I really can't think straight right now." He adds.

     "Me either."

     "Do you think the party is still going on?" He asks.

      "The only party I'm concerned with is the one up here." I say, pressing my lips to his neck and kissing.

      Aroused, his hands gather up the fabric of my clothes as he dips to taste my lips. His mouth is warm. I feel excitement and giddiness coursing through my veins.

    My hands press against the back of his head. His golden hair is soft between my fingers. He sucks on my bottom lip, and a shiver passes through me.

    I want him so badly.

    He breaks away from my mouth, and plants a trail of kisses down my neck. I close my eyes and listen to the sounds that come from his lips touching my skin. He sucks on the area near my collarbone. I bite my lip to keep from making any noises.

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