37| Letterman jacket

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     I clutch Anson's hand as we walk across the school parking lot. The new November air blasts against my bare cheek and blows against Anson's golden hair, a shiver passes through my body as we make our way towards the school.
My boyfriend's hand clutches mine.

      Fireworks explode in my chest when I think about that.

     "You're cold?" He asks, leading me across the crosswalk.

     "I'll survive." I manage. I secretly wish that I had worn my hoodie today.

"You're shivering like a wet dog." He observes.

"You paint a vivid picture." My voice is dry, but my teeth are still chattering.

     He smiles to himself and stops walking. Easily, he slips his letterman jacket off of his shoulders and onto mine.

    "Wear this." his voice is deep.

    Immediately, I feel warmth generating under the jacket. Heat rushes to my face at this gesture. "Your letterman jacket?" I say in surprise. "Anson you totally don't have to.."

    "I want to."

     I look at him sheepishly. He seems happy about it. I smile at the sweet, golden, cinnamon bun of a guy.

Okay... I'm definitely crushing when I start thinking things like that.

    "Thank you." I make sure to say.

     Yesterday, Anson and I weren't even talking at school. Today, we're dating. I'm wearing his letterman jacket. Will I ever get used to this?

"Of course."

      He leads me indoors and I rub my cold hands together. I notice the cafeteria is serving biscuits today for breakfast. We jump into a line and grab food.

      "To our booth?" Anson asks.

       "Our booth?" I ask. "You don't want to upgrade to somewhere better?"

      His eyes are bright. "I've grown used to that wobbly piece of crap."

     I start to laugh, but a deep voice interrupts us from behind. Startled, I turn around.

     "Looks like you two idiots found one another! hey, I'm liking the jacket, Indie."


     I smirk and Anson shakes his head. "I forgot to tell you. Indie and I are dating now." He says to Bryce.

      Bryce looks at me, a smirk growing across his face. "It's about freaking time."

     Like he's one to comment on a relationship!

      I laugh. "In other news, have you finished our editorials?"

     He makes a thoughtful face. "Hmmm. Did I?"

     "Bryce!" My voice is thick with annoyance. My fingers tap against my hip impatiently. He better have finished them. They're due today!

     "Calm down, I did them." He says. His dark eyes are amused.  Anson chuckles next to me.

     Bryce shoves his hands into his pockets.

      "Hey, do you want to join us for breakfast?" Anson casually asks him.

      Bryce shakes his head. "I don't do third wheeling."

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