Chapter 7

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***Edward's POV***

It's been two weeks since I came here in the Philippines.

I wouldn't be here if Uncle had not convinced me. He's getting old and he wanted to retire.

Well, I owe my life to him and I should be returning that favor. I'm the only family he got. He lost his parents when they were young and her sister who happen to be my mom died in an accident when I was just two years old.

Uncle raised me as he didn't know who my father was. He claimed me as his own and gave me everything I need.

He loves me as much as he loves my mother. Uncle had been very hardworking. He came from nothing since their parents died. He solely took the responsibility for her sister. He worked and studied hard at the same time, until he earned all the things we have now.

Uncle is a bit strict but he makes sure I'm always rewarded everytime I do good and got my achievements. He's been my inspiration as I grow.

I graduated six years ago in Oxford University in England and got my master's degree in business management.

I've handled our businesses both in England and in the United States initially with my Uncle's supervision but later on he let me manage those on my own. He focused his time on his business here in the Philippines where he and his old time friends are co-owners but he owns at least seventy percent of the shares.

I still manage to have a normal life despite of my situation. I had girlfriends in the past but none of them stayed long. Most of them only wanted me for money.

I fell in love a lot of times but lost. My recent loss was also the reason why I decided to agree with Uncle to come here in the Philippines. I want to forget the woman who took my heart. She left me in great despair. I was about to marry her when sudden changes came in. Her ex-boyfriend came back and she chose him over me. I tried getting her back..... but I failed. I thought everything then was fine but it seems I still couldn't move on.

Heartbreak isn't really an easy-fix. I decided to keep myself busy and away from everyone else instead. Somehow it changed my view of what is so called love and relationship.

I was thinking of all these things when I heard knocks on the door.

Somehow I came back to my senses.

"Yes, come in! Oh Tito Rick, what's up?"

I asked him as I offered him a seat. He's been my fave among my Uncle's friends so far. Same with Uncle, he doesn't have a family of his own that's why I got more close to him when I was young.

"Son, I want to talk to you regarding the conflicts here.", he said.

"I don't want you to get burdened by the issues the business is facing right now. I know Conrad gave you the full authority to manage his part. I know also that it's not a secret to you the little conflict I have with your Tito Jun." he's referring to his other friend, Lucas Rodriguez.

"I understand Tito. I made a study of the in and outs of this business for the past years. I know you've done great and I thank you for that. I already talked to Uncle and confirmed everything from him. I will talk to Tito Jun about this and hopefully we get his cooperation to resolve this predicament. Don't stress yourself Tito. I'm here now and as what I have promised to Uncle I will make this business as successful as my other businesses outside of the country. And one thing Uncle, I would like to say sorry again for the behavior I have shown to you and the rest during my first day."

"No, you don't have to apologize son. In fact I'm impressed on how you've shown them what you've got. You somehow got Conrad's character.", he said. "You're a fine grown up man now and already a business tycoon in the world. I'm so proud of you son. You have come a long way."

He stared at me for a while.

"Time has really flown so fast. I can still remember how I spent time with you when you were a boy. You are my son that I never had Edward." and that made me smile remembering those times with him whenever they visit me and Uncle.

He then gave me a hug and a pat on the shoulder.

Somehow I will be happy staying here since my so called "family" is here.

I miss them. I miss the old times...

Fall In Love With Me (COMPLETED)--currently on editingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon