a tidal wave

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She wasn't sure if it was the gentle yet aggressive swaying of the tress in the wind, or the repetitive chirps of the nightly crickets, or the sparkles of the stars shining in the pitch black sky. It was something about the crisp of this night outside the reserve where she first got to truly help the teenagers of this town, something about all of that, angered her.

She'd like to think that after these last few months of running around, saving the lives of people who might not deserve it, that she had made herself a better person.
But what sort of person was she now? One that can't use her powers because she's too scared? One that can unleash a murderous beast when she's angry? How is she supposed to live like that? How is she supposed to continue being that better person Scott wants her to be?

Adrianna yelled, screamed basically, and punched the trunk of a nearby tree so heard she swear she heard a snap.
A small, soft gasp escaped her lips and she opened the fist of her barely shaking hand. There was blood and bruising across her knuckles until there wasn't. Until her newly found werewolf healing caressed the wound and made it non-existent.

Adrianna let out an aggravated breath and punched the tree, again, and again, and again, and again whilst she felt the pressure build behind her eyes and in her brain and through her hands.
She screamed and slammed both hands against the tree.
It flew. Half of the tree broke and the paper-like bark flew around the wood and smashed into the ground a few feet away, ruffling the peaceful leaves.

Adrianna's chest was rapidly rising and falling with heavy, stressed breaths as she stared with cold eyes at the mess she's made. The control, that control she spent years developing, was slipping.
She felt the warmth of silent tears falling down her cheeks like rain on a peaceful night, she felt the build-up of emotion in her throat that made her want to scream until she couldn't, she felt a pressure in her chest that was strong enough to break her heart and all its surroundings.

She sunk to the forest floor and crossed her legs, her eyes focusing on the wind playing around with a leaf, like a puppet. God, how she felt like a puppet. Like the wind was the ridiculous destiny everyone seems to believe in and she was the helpless leaf only able to abide by its rules.

She couldn't do this. She couldn't be Scott whom had amazing control, or Isaac whom adapted easily, or Derek whom ruled his emotions with ease. She couldn't be around people, her friends, Isaac, if she could hurt them in the blink of a second. She couldn't fight without getting angry or talk without the risk of someone saying something the beast inside of her doesn't agree with. She couldn't do this.

Adrianne's head suddenly rose slowly, a sweet overwhelming scent invading her senses. It smelled like fresh air and cinnamon that wafted with the wind and made it even stronger. It surrounded her like a blanket and seemed to only grow.
She turned around with furrowed eyebrows to see Isaac walking towards her. His hair was messed up but in a cute way, his eyes were full of concern that seemed to make the brilliant blue in them dull, his eyebrows were pulled together in a frown that made her heart ache knowing she was the cause of it.
She turned back around, overwhelmed by her new senses.

Isaac's eyes landed on her back and Adrianna could feel his relief washing over her like a goddamn tidal wave. She felt his hesitance, his sadness, his need to help her although he was unsure how. She could feel so much more than before, and she hated it.


She didn't respond for she didn't know how, or what she would say. She wanted to rip his face off from the pity that was rolling off him but she wanted to kiss his concerns away at the same time. It was a terrible battle, between her heart and her head.

"Hey—" His foot gently nudged her back and she could feel him trying to gauge her reactions. Bloody hell.


Isaac frowned, "I know—"

"No. You don't."

Isaac waited for her to say more, to go into a massive explanation about how he knows nothing and that he should just shut up.
But she didn't. She sat there, on the damp forest floor, staring at something he knew not of.
He sighed, looking out to the trees that swayed in the night and the old dirt track ruined by too many trespassers. He nodded to himself and sat down next to her, crossing his legs and not uttering a single word.

Adrianna tried to say still, tried to fight the fiddling, the need to feel his warmth and touch his skin. That electricity that would race through her heart when he was near was nearly overwhelming now.
She found herself gravitating towards him and he happily accepted.

Isaac pulled her into his lap, letting her head rest against his chest and tuned his breathing in with hers. He listened to her heart beating rapidly inside her chest and watched her eyes stare at a leaf for the next however many hours.


Adrianna walked through the front door, her back unusually straight and her fists clenched so hard at her sides her skin was white.
She paused in the lobby, at the entrance that led down the hallway. She took in a deep breath, staring at the light wood of the dining table where empty white coffee cups lay and dark stained cup rims.
She could feel a rainbow of emotions bombard her, relief, worry, confusion, concern. It was tidal wave stronger than before and it made her feel like stone.

A hand opened her overly tight fist, a warm hand that shot the electricity through her. His hand laced through her fingers.

Adrianna lifted her eyes to his bright blue ones, receiving a little confidence and reassurance. She nodded and turned her head to her friends that were standing in the lounge room, staring at her with confusion and concern. She nodded and took a deep breath, "So what now?"




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