Chapter 1

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Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep!

The godawful sound of my alarm blared through my peaceful sleep. I had set my alarm for 6:30 AM this morning so I could start job hunting after losing my job at Deli's pizzeria yesterday for responding to a really rude customer. You know what they say, the customer is always right.

I had been working there throughout high school and college and just stayed full-time after graduating from college.  I am certainly qualified for a better paying job but I am just a really lazy person and the pizzeria paid well so I stayed. Now I have to find a job to pay my rent which is due by the end of the month and catch up with my student loans payment which I'm not too far behind on thank God.

When I was younger my parents had it rough so there wasn't any money saved to put me through college. I had to work part time at the pizzeria to buy my text books and to help my parents with certain things needed around the house.

That was in the past though. My mom went back to school and got her qualifications, now she works as a loan officer in one of those prestigious banks, while my dad works construction. Although I am not living with them I still give them money to take care of my little eight year old sister, she is my world. Her birthday is in a couple of weeks and I promised her that I would take her to Disney land which means I need to find a job ASAP.

I hopped in the shower and washed my hair and did my daily morning hygienic rituals then went to my closet to look for an outfit that wasn't too shabby looking. I settled on blue skinny jeans and a blue button up top with a red blazer and grey pumps. I really need to go shopping, I thought.

With mascara and lip gloss applied I left my hair down in its natural curls

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With mascara and lip gloss applied I left my hair down in its natural curls. I checked my phone and saw it was now 7:30 and took a granola bar from the cupboard and a bottle of water from the fridge and head out. It was about time I look a job that was up to my qualifications. No more being a lazy bum.

My first stop was at an insurance company but the receptionist told me that there were no vacancies. I then went to five other business places that all said the same thing. No Vacancies, Los Angeles is such a big place, how can there be no vacancies? I checked my watch and saw it was now 12:00 PM and I am starving.

I made my way over to Bob's Burgers and ordered a bacon cheese burger with fries and a strawberry milkshake. I may be on the slim side but I love food. I was scrolling through my Instagram when my phone pinged noting that I got a message from my mom. I opened it and it was a link showing that Walters Inc had a vacancy for the position of personal assistant to the CEO.

I was desperate for a job but that company gave me chills. Walters Inc was one of the biggest Technology companies in the world. I had heard that you could only get a job there if you attend one of those expensive colleges like Harvard or Yale. There is no way I'm qualified to work there, I attended neither Harvard or Yale and rumor has is that the boss is an extremely over-baring and arrogant man that fires you if you are late by even one minute. Ooooh!! I'm getting chills just thinking about it. I was just about to respond to her message that I am not interested when she video called me. "Yes Ma I got your message and no I'm not interested." I answered in a bored tone.

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