Chapter 29

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Leon's POV

After mom and dad left, Amber and I remained in the room alone. I was so livid that all thoughts of her raping me fled my mind. Right now all I wanted to do was choke her to death. I have never been this angry before. I can literally feel the vein pumping in my forehead right now and I have no doubt that my face was red with fury.

"I hope you're happy" I told her through clenched teeth.

"Happy?" She scoffed. "I am content. That's one bitch down, one more to go."

"Stay the F**k away from Vicki"  I warned her. "I won't be as easy on you again."

"Stay the F**k away from Vicki. I won't be as easy on you again" She mocked with an ugly smile on her face. I really can't believe that at one point I was in love with the woman standing before me. I have never felt so disgusted by a woman in all my life.

"This little game you've been playing? It's over!" She said and left the room leaving me in my thoughts. 


Vicki's POV

I have yet to tell Leon about him becoming a father. I don't know what I was being so scared about. Now that he has really voiced how he feels about me, I have no doubt in my mind he would stay by my side and be in our child's life. He loves me. A grin crossed my face as I remembered what happened a few nights ago.

"I Love You" 

"What?" I asked. I had to be sure I heard him correctly. He stared deeply into my eyes as he repeated the words I've always wanted to hear to fall from his lips.

"I Love You Vicki, I really do. I am so sorry it took me this long to tell you how I truly feel but I really do mean it from my heart. You're the only one for me babe. I wanna grow old with you, I wanna have a family with you. Someday I'm gonna put a ring on your finger so the whole world can know that you are mine and mine alone."

 I couldn't help the grin that took over my face at his confession. I smashed my lips to his in a desperate manner causing him to chuckle.

"From this bold display of affection I can safely assume you feel the same way?" he said, his voice getting deeper. I nodded my head rapidly before responding. "I love you too Leon." We kissed again and this time the kiss was more heated, resulting in me riding him throughout the night. I love this man. I really do.

He had to leave early the following morning to get ready for an important event his that his mom was hosting. From his body language I could tell he really didn't want to attend. I offered to accompany him but he shut the idea down right away telling me I would be bored and that there were gonna be a lot of snobs. 

Maya and I had some well deserved girl time that night. She caught me up a bit on what I had missed out on and she even updated me on her relationship with Mark. They seemed to be getting serious if you ask me and he makes my best friend so happy. She had stars in her eyes as she spoke about him. He even gave her a promise ring. We both squealed like the little girls we are.

I was contemplating as to whether I should tell her about the baby before I tell Leon when Keith called me. It was a video call and the two of us indulged him in our girly conversations and he didn't complain once. As a matter of fact, he had the most gossip. We definitely did have fun that night. I was actually feeling really good by the end of the night. 

There was only one thing that was still bothering me in the back of my mind though. It was the words spoken by Amber a few weeks ago saying that Leon was her fiance. 


Today at work, Leon was in a robotic mode. He was continuously working but it was as if his mind wasn't there. He even looked tense. I brought his coffee and placed it on his desk like usual but something was off about him. I had to call his name three times for him to  actually notice I was in the room. He seemed pretty distracted today.

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