Chapter 26

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Leon's POV

After being untied by Javier I was afraid to even make eye contact with the guy. Can you imagine the humiliation I felt when my employee walked in on me naked and bound to the bed with tears streaming down my eyes? All I could've done was gotten dressed and ran. I saw the questioning look in Javier's eyes, questions I didn't want to answer. Questions I am afraid to answer. I knew he was just trying to be there for me but I didn't need any of that right now. The only thing I needed was my dignity back. I just couldn't bare to face anyone right now, so I did what I always did best. I ran.

My dad owned a secret cabin in the woods a little far from here. He had shown it to me when I was sixteen and said I could go there when I just needed to get away. Only my dad and I knew about this cabin and I was extremely grateful for that. I checked to see if the spare key was still inside the flower pot before opening the door and turning on the lights. The cabin still looks the same as it did years ago. Almost as if no one has been here for a while.

I lit the fire place and got myself settled on the couch with a few beers. I drank myself numb until I was able to fall asleep.

Vicki's POV

It's been four whole days since Leon has tried contacting me again. I was mad at him and decided to ignore his call and now it's been four days since I heard from him. I tried calling his cell but it keeps going straight to voice mail and I was beginning to get worried. He has never gone this long without contacting me before. I have left numerous voicemails and text messages requesting him to call me so I know he was okay but he has yet to respond. I really do hope he is okay though.

I am currently at work as usual trying to complete the task given by his stand in when Mr Walters came for a surprise visit. I was beyond shocked. I had never seen him at the company before. Today he was wearing a sharp grey suit with yellow dress shirt. I must admit, Mr Walters sure knows how to mix and match.

"Good day Victoria, is Leon around?" He asked politely.

"Hi Mr Walters, I haven't seen Leon at all for the past few days and I have been unable to reach him. His stand-in Jake is here though." I tell him.

"No, that's okay. I just thought he was screening my calls but it seem as though he is not. I should feel relieved but somehow I'm starting to worry about him."

"What do you mean?"

"Leon has never just disappeared without contacting anybody. I went to his house and he wasn't there either."

"He stays by his friend Mark's house sometimes when his house gets too much" I told him.

"Oh" he said and looked at me as if in deep thought. "I'll try calling him again" he said before he left. As soon as he was out the door I started panicking and pacing, praying that Leon was okay.

If he really was staying with Mark, why hadn't he tried contacting me again? Did Amber hit him again? Or did she kill him and buried his body this time? Oh my God, should I call the police? Calm down Vicki. Think. Think. Think. Mark. I decided to call Mark to make sure that Leon was okay and that he just wanted to be left alone.

" Vicki? Everything okay?"

"Yes, I was just wondering if you had heard from Leon in the past few days."

"No, why?"

"Well Mark, Leon has been MIA for the last few days, his dad even came here looking for him."

"What? Why didn't you say anything?"

"I thought he was staying with you like he did the last time. I tried calling him numerous times but his phone kept going to voicemail."

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