Chapter 12

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Vicki's P.O.V

When I got to the lobby Mr Smith was already there. He stood as I drew closer.

"Wow, I didn't think you would actually show." He commented when I got to him.

"And why would I not? I gave you my word didn't I?"

"Yes you did, but I just didn't think that boss of yours would allow it."

"And why not?"

"I don't know.." he says with his eyes raking over my body "he seem to want you all to himself."

"Where are we going?" I asked changing the subject.

"Follow me" he said and began walking toward his car. I don't know much about cars but I can clearly see it was a BMW it was actually a really nice car, black and shiny with leather seats and that new car smell.

We drove for sometime in silence before he began speaking once more.

"So, how long have you been working at Walters Inc?"

"Not long, about two months" I respond

"Oh, You're new. Do you like it?"

"Yea, I do" we arrived at the restaurant not long after and he opened my door and lead me inside. The restaurant was a beautiful one. Very romantic I must say. Dim lights, white table cloth, red roses, the whole nine yards. The usher took us to a seat near the window and we overlooked a mini flower garden with foot lights making a part through them. It was such a beautiful sight. Had it not been for the company, I would have been more charmed. A waiter came to our table shortly after and we ordered our dinner. When the waiter left to place our order, I decided to get straight to the point.

"So-" he began

"About the contract" We said simultaneously. He chuckled.

"Business I see, is work all you think about?"

"I'm actually here on work business so of course I have to ask about the contract." I respond in a professional manner.

"How about I sign the contract after dinner?"

"How about you sign it now?" I asked a little rudely. He laughed.

"Now I know what Walters sees in you"

"Excuse me?"

"Your boss"

"We're here to talk about the contract, not my boss" he laughed again.

"Am I missing something? I don't get what's so funny"

"How long have you two been dating?"

I stared at him with narrowed eyes. He is deliberately not talking about work. I refuse to answer his question and just waited for our dinner to be served.  The waiter came shortly after and served our dinner before leaving us in private again. I started eating, still ignoring my date Before I heard him chuckle again.

"Fine, we'll talk about the contract." Good. I thought. We began talking about the contract and terms we could agree on before he signed and gave me the documents then we continued eating.

"I've never met a woman quite like you" he suddenly said, twirling his wine glass between his fingers while looking me in the eyes.

"What's wrong with me?" I asked a little curious.

He smiled. "Nothing, just gorgeous and immune to my charms."

"Look, I don't mean to offend you, you're a handsome guy and all but you're just not my type." This seemed to amuse him even more as he looked at me with intrigue.

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