Chapter 17

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Vicki's POV


When I got off of the elevator I took a seat my desk and took a deep breath to calm my already hay-wired nerves. Why am I even nervous? It's not as if he would hit me or anything, Right? And besides, I couldn't be a softy in my relationship. I have to be grown at some point.

About ten minutes later the phone on my desk rung and I picked it up and saw that it was Leon calling.

"Pack your bag and shut off your computer, we're leaving now" he growled angrily into the receiver and hung up before I even had a chance to respond. However, I did as he asked and went to wait for him by the elevator. 

He emerged from his office and said nothing to me. When the lift arrived we made our way to the ground floor and out to the parking lot. I wasn't nervous about people seeing us together right now because as his assistant I follow him around all day to meetings or what ever.

He unlocked the car but didn't even get the door for me like he usually does. He took off at a dangerous speed but I was too scared to ask him to slow down or even ask where we were going. We were definitely not going to my house that's for sure.

After a good twenty minute drive, we pulled up to an extremely long drive way before parking. As I took in my surroundings I became aware that I was standing outside of the most beautiful house I had ever seen. Is this his house? The house looked amazing. It was so huge. In all my years I have never seen anything like it. It was magnificent. I almost cried. I could definitely see how far apart our worlds really were when I look at his house. My apartment looks like garbage compared to his. I am certain my house could fit inside of this mansion one hundred times. Okay I exaggerated a bit but you get the point.

My examination of the house was cut short when Leon roughly grabbed my hand and lead me inside

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My examination of the house was cut short when Leon roughly grabbed my hand and lead me inside . The inside was even more impeccable. Wow, I am impressed. Seeing his residence made me wonder why he liked sleeping at my apartment so much when he has all of this. It is so beautiful. I would never want to leave.

He lead me up a flight of stairs, he is still silent and seething but I am too much in awe to struggle and argue.

He opened a door leading to what looked to be a bedroom and hoisted me as if I weighed nothing before depositing me on the ginormous bed. Even the bedroom was beautiful, everything was just so magnificent. 

He roughly grabbed me by my legs  pulling me to the edge of the bed and  removed my shoes and stockings. He tore my skirt and panties and I just stared at him shocked yet aroused. "Mine" he growled and dipped his head to my center. I moaned at the sudden contact of his tongue on my sex and gripped his hair tightly. He tore my blouse open and the buttons scattered across the bed and floor but I could care less at this point, he was like an animal and I loved it. Leon's tongue was working wonders down below licking and sucking me like his life depended on it. He worked two of his fingers inside me and continue his ministrations. I was drunk on arousal and couldn't even speak. My breathing was like I had just finished a marathon and my eyes had stars behind them. I was almost over the edge when he decided to stop abruptly. No no no no. Don't stop. Why'd he stop?

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