Chapter 10

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Vicki's P.O.V

The day of the trip soon arrived. I was beyond nervous at this point. Leon and I would be spending a lot of time alone and I just hope all goes well. I had called Maya over the night before to help me pack and was being her usual annoying self. We Had spent the whole night watching the 'Once upon a time' series on Netflix and eating lots of junk food. Every now and then she would mention my boss and different ways we could enjoy the trip all of which I ignored and acted as if I couldn't hear her.

"You turned down Keith and got freaky with your boss, so why are acting like you hate his guts now?" She asked me in the middle of Hook's proposal to Emma.

"Because he hates my guts as well, you should see the looks he keeps giving me."

"That's because you rejected the guy after you got what you wanted."

"I had to My, he is my boss. What would everyone think?"

''What would they have to think? Its not like you would go around and broadcast it for the whole company to hear. Would you?"

"No I won't, but if I blur the line between being personal and professional, there's no going back. Eventually the whole office would find out after he starts treating me differently and everyone would think I slept with him to get my position in the first place."

"Can't you keep your hands to your damn self?"

"Have you seen my boss?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes and we continued to watch the show. She stayed at my house that night and we cuddled up like lovers. My baby she is. I love her so much. :)

She woke me up at around 9 AM for a 3 PM flight. She even made me breakfast and pick out my airport wear. I couldn't even stay mad at her after she made me breakfast. The way to my heart is through my stomach and she knows this.

Mr. Walters came to pick me up at exactly 12 on the dot. His driver came and took my luggage to the car. Maya took Leon inside to give him her list of warnings. I was beginning to wonder if I should have accompanied them because Maya could be a handful sometimes and I'm afraid she might scare him.

However, Leon came out smiling but the smile vanished as soon as his eyes made contact with mine. His eyes held mine for a few seconds before his attention diverted to his driver who was patiently waiting for us.

"Lets go." Was all he said as he passed me with his head facing straight forward. He entered the vehicle with me following behind. The journey to the airport was a quiet one with him on his tablet answering his emails and me admiring the scenery as we drove. I was already uncomfortable and the flight hasn't even begun as yet.

When we arrived at the airport Mr. Walters' driver unloaded our luggage and we went to the check-in area. The lady behind the check-in desk was making googly eyes at Mr. Walters and jealousy rose like bile in my throat. However, the worst part of the situation was the fact that Mr Walters was eating it all up. I scowled at the flight attendant who's name was Amy and handed her my passport rather rudely. What? I could not control myself.

Leon looked at me strangely before apologizing to the lady on my behalf. I almost leaped over the counter to slit her throat when I saw her slip her number inside his passport when she gave him back. Leon kept looking at me as if I was some weird person, But of course I have to react the way I did. She wants what was supposed to be mine.

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