Chapter 23

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Leon's POV

I took a long shower in hopes of getting my mind off things. I would usually shower with Vicki but there was just too much on my mind right now. All I have is Two months and I would lose my baby girl forever. I turned on the shower harder and let my tears mix with the water. This hurts so much. I took some deep breaths and began soaping my skin.

After a few minutes I felt soft warms hands caress my skin and it felt as if all was right with the world again. I relaxed under her touch and she turned me around to face her then placed her warm inviting lips on mine. Who am I to deny my baby girl what she wants? Things got a little heated from there and I took her against the shower wall. I swear i'm addicted to this girl. I loved to make her scream. It gave me a sense of accomplishment.

"Je t'aime tellement" I whispered lowly in her ear knowing she wouldn't be able to understand what was saying to her. I just had to say it. Even if she doesn't understand, I had to let her know. I felt like I would burst if I didn't say it but at the same time I didn't want to scare her away.

"What's wrong baby?" She asked softly staring at me. This is the first time she used an endearment when talking to me and I loved it. Too bad it's all coming to an end soon. I have so many regrets right now: not approaching her all those years ago, proposing to Amber, not breaking off the engagement when I knew how I felt about Vicki and most of all for being one of the biggest cowards to ever walk the earth. That's what I am, a coward.

I was afraid of letting my mom down, I was afraid of letting my dad down, I was afraid of lletting  Amber down, but most of all I was afraid to let Vicki down.

"Are you okay?" She asked once again but I couldn't face her any more. I stepped out of the shower and dried myself before redressing. I couldn't dare to look Vicki in the eyes right now. I needed some air. She followed me out and looked at me with eyes full of concern.

"I'm going to hang with Mark for a bit, be right back" I told her and rushed out the door. I called Mark as I got to my car. I was not as close with Keith as I once was, ever since he found out about me dating Vicki, he didn't take it too well. I guess he really liked Vicki after all but the bastard in me refused to give her up. Him and Vicki were still close and I hated  that so bad but there was nothing I could do about it. Every-time I would subtly broach the subject, she would shut it down right away so I eventually gave up.

Mark answered on the third ring. Must have been busy. "Hey, can we go for a drink?" I greeted.

"It's 9am.. You good man? You sound a bit funny." I sighed.


"What kind of best friend would I be to allow you to drink at 9am. I have the day off so you can swing by if you wanna talk."

"Okay, i'll swing by" I put my car in drive and made my way to Mark's house. Maya was not there thank God but it seems as though he was cleaning which he rarely does. I guess being in love makes you do things you don't usually do. Case in point. I plopped myself on his couch with my head in my hands. Mark took a seat on the couch opposite to me.

"She moved up the wedding man" I said softly.

"She did what?" "To when? How much time do you have left?"

"Two months."

"Leon, you have to tell Vicki, or just end things with Amber already

'I can't man"

"You can, if you really love her as you say, you will."

"I CAN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed

"Why not huh? Are you really that selfish?! How could you do this to her man? I was all for you because I wanted you to be happy but this has gone on a bit too long man. You need to make a choice, it's either Vicki or Amber!"

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