Chapter 8

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Vicki's POV

After a long night of passion I woke up feeling refreshed. Very sore but also refreshed. My body ached as I made my way to the bathroom reluctantly leaving Leon's warm embrace. I did my daily hygienic routine: washing my hair and brushing my teeth before going back to the bedroom to an empty unmade bed.

I blushed as I remembered all the dirty things that happened on that very same bed last night and began straightening it. I grabbed some shorts and a crop top and made my way to the kitchen. The heavenly scent of bacon and pancakes filled the air.

The sight I met as I got to the kitchen caused another smile to break out on my face. A shirtless Leon was preparing breakfast for us, he was just in his slacks and underwear from the day before but for some reason he looked even more sexy in my eyes.

He had just finished preparing my plate when I sat on a stool by the kitchen island. He turned around and grinned at me. "No good morning kiss?" He teased.

I blushed and covered my face feeling a little shy as I made my way over to him. He held one of my hips with one hand lifting my face to meet his with the other. His soft warm lips covered mine and his hand that was holding my hip slid down to squeeze my bottom.


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"Mine. All mine." He growled against my lips.

I laughed and shoved his chest and went back to eating. Suddenly the reality of the situation dawned on me. I slept with my boss! I gave my boss my virginity! I am such a slut. What would everyone think of me? What have I done? I was so deep in my thoughts that I hadn't noticed Leon trying to get my attention until I felt him bite my bottom lip sexily.

He grinned. "What's got you so deep in thought? I've been trying to get your attention for the last five minutes."

I sighed and looked up at his handsome face then at the floor again. "We can't keep doing this Leon. You are my boss and this is wrong on so many levels. Last night should've never happened and it won't happen again."

He was quiet for a while and I was under the impression that he was handling it well then out of no where he started getting angry and shouting.

"Why do you always push me away Vic?!" He shouts. The sudden rise in his voice startled me but I rose my voice to match his "This is wrong Leon and you know it!"

"Then why the hell can't you look me in the eyes and tell me that you want this to stop huh? Why are you avoiding my eyes?" He asked. I stayed silent and stared at the floor, I could feel my heart breaking but this needs to be done. The house fell silent for a whole five minutes before Leon grabbed his stuff and walked out the door, slamming it in the process. I heard his car speed off and I knew that was it, I lost the only chance I had with him.

After he left I broke down. I cried and cried and cried. I couldn't understand why I always over think things? I ruined what turned out to be a great night and morning all because I couldn't keep my mouth shut. I've always wanted Leon to notice me and now he finally does, I push him away. What is really wrong with me? I hate myself so much right now. I couldn't control my tears and I knew my face would be puffy and swollen.

When I got to the office things were weird. I overheard the lady at the front desk saying that Leon was on a rampage which was a total understatement. To make matters worst Leon only spoke to me if it was about work and he barked orders at employees all day. A few of them were even complaining and contemplating handing in their resignation letters. I did get my fair share of his temper as well but I knew that I was the reason behind his anger so I didn't complain. However, I noticed that he would avoid meeting my eyes and kept him speeches short and abrupt whenever he spoke to me.

Keith came by once again to take me to lunch and I was a little shocked and hurt to see the expression on Leon's face. It was as if last night never happened and he didn't care. He allowed me to go to lunch with Keith and told me to be back by the hour. If I'm being totally honest here, I must admit that it stung, I kinda liked his possessive side.

Keith and I went to a nearby subway and ordered sandwiches and cola for lunch. I could've barely eaten as my mind was occupied with thoughts of Leon. My disappointment must've been showing on my face because Keith asked me "what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just have a lot on my mind that's all"

"Care to share?"

"Not really" I mumbled and slurped my soda loudly.

"You love him, don't you?"

"Who?" I asked looking up from my soda.

"Nothing. Never mind"

We ate in silence after this. I sat there and wallowed in my thoughts as Keith silently studies me. It was a bit creepy but that was the least of my concerns at this point. I just don't get why this Leon thing was bothering me so much. So what if he doesn't care? I should be glad not devastated.

Keith walked me back to my desk and hugged me. "So..." he began. "Wanna go out again sometime?"

I sighed heavily. "Keith, you're a really nice guy and I like hanging out with you, but I honestly don't think I'm in the right frame of mind for dating right now." He began chuckling. I looked at him as if he was crazy. Who laughs after being rejected?

"That has got to be the best rejection I've ever gotten in my life." He said causing me to laugh as well.
"But I get it though" he continued "the heart wants what it wants. We could still hang out and be friends though right?"

I laughed again "Yes Keith, we can still be friends."

"Cool" He said then hugged me again before leaving.

I delved back into my work after had Keith left. Not once stopping or breaking. At five in the evening, Leon called my desk phone to let me know he would be leaving early. I gathered my things and wait for him.

We both took the elevators like any normal day and I waited for him to touch me like he normally would but he did nothing, he just stood at the back quietly. It was awkward as hell and I was so tempted to break down and tell him how sorry I was but instead, I stood quietly and waited for the lift to get to the ground floor. When the other workers entered the elevator he conversed with them until we got to the ground floor. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

I was beyond hurt when I realized that Leon would only look at me with a blank expression and would only speak to me when it was absolutely necessary and if it was related to work. Yes, he still drove me home but the only sound in the car was the radio softly playing. When we pulled into my driveway I turned to him and stared at him expecting him to at least kiss me or even bid me good night but he just kept his head straight forward and his hand still gripped the staring wheel.

"We're here now Miss Lockhart" he said softly and my heart broke even more. I low key loved hearing him call me Vic, It always made me feel warm and tingly on the inside knowing that he was the only person that called me that. And now with all the cold formality, I want to take back everything I said to him this morning. I want to hug him so badly right now. I want to kiss him and make love to him again with him but I can't and it's all my fault. Me and my big mouth.

"For how long are you going to give me the silent treatment?" I asked softly but he doesn't respond. Not even to acknowledge that he heard me. I felt so embarrassed that I quickly got out the car and rushed into my apartment. I fell to the floor and continued where I left off crying this morning.

The silent treatment continued for the rest of the week. He would only speak to me if he has to. I had pushed him into the boss zone and now I don't even like it. But this is how things should be between a boss and employee. So why am I complaining?

A/N Editing Sucks!!! 😔😭😭

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