Chapter 33

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Vicki's POV

"Who is Amber's fiance?" My heart thumped from my chest as I await his response.

"Vic, what brought this on? Did something happe-"

"Keith I'm gonna ask you one last time. Who is Amber's fiance'?" he sighed.

"Leon" he said softly and I almost didn't hear him. My heart broke at his words and I fell silent. I felt a pain in my chest and I held my heart. Maya caught me before I actually passed out. Leon lied to me. After he promised never to lie to me, he did again. I must look like such a naive fool to him. No wonder Amber invited me to the wedding. Is this all part of their plan? To see me break down? To see me suffer? He told me he loved me. Why would he do this to me?

"Vic are you okay?" Keith asked on the other end of the line. "I wanted to tell you all along, which is why Leon and my relationship was strained in the first place."

"Then why didn't you tell me!" I screamed at him.

"Vic you were so happy and in love, would you have believed me if I told you? You would've said I'm trying to ruin your relationship. I know you Vic. I wanted you to see things for yourself."

"Don't you think you could've at least dropped a hint Keith? I trusted you! I would've believed anything you said Keith." I sobbed loudly.

"Vicki calm down, stress isn't good for the baby" Maya said while rubbing my back.

"I'm sorry Vic, I truly am. I'm so sorry."

"Is there anything else I should know?" I asked him.

"No... Not that I know of. But Vicki you know I'm here for you. If you need anything let me know okay."


"I gotta go. Don't stress too much, everything will be fine okay? And Don't do anything that would harm the baby."

"Okay, bye" I said then I hung up.

"Can you take me to Leon's house?" I asked Maya.

"Vic I don't think that's such a good ide-" She began and I gave her the look to show her how serious I am being right now.

She quickly washed her face and grabbed her car keys. She slowly drove to Leon's residence and I knew she did it thinking I would be calm by the time I got there but it had the total opposite effect.

When we got there I rang the door bell and the maid opened the door.

"Vicki, now is not a good time." She said while blocking the door way. There was a lot of shouting coming from behind her. I pushed her out of the way and stepped inside with Maya tugging behind me.

"Oh look, Your bitch has arrived. Just in time." Amber snarled while looking at me. I made my way over to them. Amber was nose to nose with Leon while his mom and dad stood watching the scene play out.

I lunged at Amber and Maya and Mr. Walters held me back telling me to calm down. I stood in front of my boyfriend once more and asked him one last time while pointing at Amber.

"Who is this woman?" He opened his mouth but there was no response.

"Leon, I asked you a question. WHO IS THIS WOMAN?!" I screamed at him. 

"Calm down Victoria! Matilda get her a glass of water" Leon's mom said to a passing maid but I ignored her.

"Vic, I swear on my life. I'm in love with you, no one else but you. I..Amber..." he said but can't seem to be able to finish his sentence. A sob escaped me once again. I have never cried this much in my life.

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