Chapter 27

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Leon's POV

I knocked on Vicki's door hoping and praying that she would be at home. I needed her.
Even  just one small glimpse of her beautiful face would be just enough to satisfy the raw craving I have of her.

She opened the door with disheveled hair and sleep bags under her eyes. She looked like she had a long night with no rest. Did I do this to her? When she saw my face, her eyes widened a bit before she jump in my arms wrapping her legs around my waist. It was a bit unexpected but I caught her easily. Wow, my baby girl really did gain a few pounds but i'd be damned if I told her that. I liked it on her. She started placing kisses all over my face and ending on my lips. She gave me a deep long kiss and I stepped into her apartment closing the door with my foot.

"I thought something had happened to you." She sniffled smacking my chest. "I thought- I thought"

"Hey hey, don't worry baby girl. I'm here okay. God I missed you so much. I went away for a few days to clear my head. I should've told you. I'm sorry. I had you so worried." I said as I wiped her tears. She gripped me tighter refusing to let me go.

"Have you eaten as yet?" I asked her.

"I had no appetite." she responded and I sat her on the breakfast bar and went to the fridge to gather some ingredients to make her some breakfast. The moment I placed the plate of eggs in-front of her, she ran to the bathroom throwing up. Shit! I forgot about that. I followed her to the bathroom and rubbed her back as she continued throwing up.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She nodded her head in answer to my very stupid question then  brushed her teeth before following me back into the kitchen.

"Well then, I guess that's a no on eggs. I'm not really a huge fan of eggs either anyway" I told her and went to make us some pancakes. She was a bit tense during breakfast like she had a lot on her mind but it wasn't long before I had her laughing and joking around with me again.

I was in desperate need of a shower so I grabbed her and dragged her to the bathroom with me. She playfully protested but she still came. My eyes roamed her chocolate skin as she stripped down to enter the warm sprinkle. I couldn't help but smile as I looked at her. She was mine, all mine. This gorgeous specimen before me was mine. I was already growing hard just by looking at her.

"Stop staring you freak" She said and tried to cover her body. I laughed and stripped down myself as well.

"Stop staring you freak" I mocked her when I noticed she was staring at me as well. She stood before me with water droplets cascading all over her body and her curly hair slowly shrinking. Mesmerized at the sexy sight before me, I grabbed a curl and pulled it to it's full length down her mid back before releasing it and watching it bounce back in place. I always loved Vicki's hair. Back in high school I was always a bit disappointed whenever she would put extensions or weaves in her hair. I was not even a big fan of her straightening it either. I always loved them in their natural curly state.

I turned her body toward me and placed a passionate kiss to her lips. "Have I ever told you how much I love your hair?" I asked against her lips. I ran my hands through her hair and gripped them tightly before deepening the kiss. One of my hands trailed from her hair down to her ass and I gave it a good nice squeeze. Her nails dug into my back and I moaned into the kiss. I snaked my tongue into her warm and inviting mouth and she jumped and wrapped her legs around my waist. Somebody wants me. I smiled inwardly at the thought. How I was able to go this long without kissing her is beyond me. This girl was like a drug and was addicted to her. She grounded  her hips into mine and I almost lost it right there.

I trailed kisses down her neck and took in the soft whimpers she made when I started sucking on her skin. Every part of her tasted amazing, I swear. She bit my ear in a seductive way causing a groan to escape from my lips. She released herself from my arms and kissed down my chest and slowly made her way to my abs. I was growing harder by the second. I wanted her so much right now that I felt as if I would burst. Her warm lips circled my navel and she slowly teased her way lower. It was like torture but I let her continue. She grabbed my erection and slowly stroked it up and down. I threw my head back against the wall moaning as I closed my eyes.

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