Chapter 25

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Amber's POV

Leon made me do that to him. If he would've just stop being such a bitch. I mean, what man wouldn't want to get intimate with me. I am gorgeous, funny, talented and please don't forget I am a world famous fashion designer. He should be lucky to even get my attention, and now he made me do what I did. Am I sorry? F**k no! I didn't want to have to do it but I felt him slipping away from me. Something I would never allow to happen. Over my dead body!

I had to act close with his whiny bitch of a mother to get her to sign the damn contract. I mean, we were already engaged and everything but after I found out Leon has been going around some chick, I had to get my status back. So, I complained to her telling her I felt that he was cheating on me with some prostitute and I guess she did what she did to save her family face. I can't believe she actually believe the worst lie in history. I was basically making my own pretty woman rom-com.

Wait! Did you guys also believed that Leon and I met by coincidence in college? Or fate as he used to call it? Hell no. I had my eyes on that idiot for years. Heck, who wouldn't? He was loaded.

Truth is, my dad's company is not doing as great as he made it out to be. We we're practically broke and due to the trust between my dad and Leon's dad, Leonardo didn't even think to research or something. Damn fool if you ask me. The plan was for me to marry Leon so I would be co-owner of both companies and my dad would work his magic and make us sole owners of both companies. Not bad right? Hostile take over.

To be honest, I fell in love with Leon at one point, he was sweet and he made me laugh, plus he was a demon in bed. That man could make your toes curl like anything. He knew how to pleasure a woman, I'd give him that. I kinda missed being intimate with him but he was a cuddler, he always wanted to cuddle after sex and I couldn't deal with that. I didn't mind his sweaty body over me or pumping into me but not cuddling me. Nope, thats just too much.

When I first started travelling, he would always call me to tell me how much he missed me. Sometimes he would even send a text, my phone was always flooded with cute messages or missed calls from him. Like I said, he was a sweet guy and while any other girl would enjoy his clingy behavior, I didn't. In-fact, I screened half his damn calls hoping he would get a hint but he didn't, he kept doing it for a whole year then slowly his calls became less but I figured he got busy with work and running his dads company and all. I never suspected he would be a cheater, he was way too clingy for that, which is why I found it strange when I saw his behavior slowly changing.

I am not totally horrible, I do know my fiance', we've been together for years. I know his likes and dislikes, well most of them anyway. Which is why I found it strange when he didn't jump into bed with me that first night back from Paris. He loves sex and call me crazy but I'm sure he didn't even want to kiss me either. I had chalked it up to him being tired like he had said but I knew better.

He would go to work and would come home late or sometimes he didn't even come home at all. One time I was helping the maid with his laundry and I noticed even his clothes started smelling differently, I was not familiar with that perfume, probably some cheap dollar store knock up but what I do know is that, that perfume was a feminine musk. When the maid saw my expression, her eyes widened as if she expected me to sue her or chew her head off or something. I knew it wasn't her because Leon doesn't date older women but her guilty expression made me look at her with narrowed eyes. She just swallowed and said she doesn't know anything.

I let her finish her job and got back to mine. It wasn't until I found solid evidence that I lost control. I called him one morning to ask where he was and he had all sorts of attitude that I never told him where I was the previous night. He only didn't know because he never asked. Plus he knew where I would Usually hang out and such. I didn't sleep at home that night. I was out with some friends drinking and celebrating a bit. When I sobered up and got home the following morning, the whole bedroom was filled with the same feminine scent I had found on his clothes months ago and a torn black thong hung on his bedpost. I was beyond furious. He brought that slut into our home? That was by far the most disrespectful thing he has ever done!

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