Chapter 21

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Surprise!!!!!! 🎊🎊🗣😇☺️🥰 Thought I Forgot right?

Vicki's POV

Leon hasn't visited me in a few days. He hasn't even shown up to work. His stand- in was taking his place I the office for this past week. He messaged me everyday and called me every night but that was it. I was starting to miss him. His touch, kisses and everything. It seemed as if I have become addicted to him, it's only been one week but it felt like one year. Also, I've been a bit horny lately and haven't been able to get my release.

Every-time I would tell Leon about it, he would offer phone sex but that wasn't enough. I needed the real thing. Whenever I would ask him to come over he would always find an excuse and whenever I asked if I could come over he would find another one. I was starting to feel like he was avoiding me but I don't know why. I have replayed our date in my head a million times and nothing went wrong. It was perfect, at least to me it was. We had an amazing night. Was I the only one who thought so?

I am currently at my desk typing up a proposal and thinking of all the reasons Leon could have for avoiding me. My phone pinged and I saw I received a message from Maya.

Maya: Whatcha Doing Later?

Me: You know, the usual. Stay at home moping and horny.

Maya: Damn! girl you always horny. When was the last time you got laid?

Me: Like a week ago?

Maya: Didn't you say you were so sore that you walked funny after that?

Me: Yes but I've rested enough. I need sex now.

Maya: It's hard to believe you were a virgin before him. He really did a number on you.

Me: Is that why you messaged me?

Maya: Oh no lol!  Wanna hang out tonight?

Me: Sure! Where are we going?

Maya: We haven't had drinks in a while so we could go to a club.

Me: Hell yeah! I'm in.

Maya: Good, see you around 8

Me: 👌🏾

After I finished working, I head over to Maya's place and decided to wear something of hers. We wore the same size anyway, plus I was thinking of spending the night at hers seeing as i'm not getting laid tonight. I hope she doesn't have plans with Marcus. I'll ask her about that a bit later.

When I got to her house, the first place I went was to the refrigerator. My  appetite is starting to increase lately and I have to look  that. Maybe the fact that I'm sexually active now has something to do with it. All the calories I burn while in session need to be refilled somehow.

"Maya!" I called when I didn't see her. She came down shortly after rubbing her eyes. I took out some ingredients and started making a sandwich.

"You come to my house and steal my food. The least you can do is make one for me too." She grumbled and I took out some more bread and made a sandwich for her as well.

"Rough night?" I asked her. She stared at me squinting when she picked up on my innuendo. I laughed and continued eating and catching her up on my day and she caught me up on hers. I went back to her fridge and saw she had some left over meat loaf. I heated it and began eating that as well.


Maya paused the series we were watching and looked at me confused.

"What?" I asked her.

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