Chapter 35

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Leon's POV

The first year after Vicki left was extremely hard. I had not been in any relationships since she left. I hadn't even had sex. I just couldn't seem to get over her. I looked for her in every woman I saw but no one dare compared. Of course she never tried to contact me either. While that hurt, I was able to deal with it like a normal person. Therapy has helped a lot. I was able to forgive my mom and got back to work. My main focus was my work, I worked more hours to better my business and all seem to be going well. That was until I received a letter from Vicki.

I was at work one day when my new secretary came and told me that a Keith Pollock was there to see me. I was about to turn him away when he says he has something for me and I wouldn't want to turn him away. I let him into my office and we talked a bit and he handed me an envelope from Vicki. I was too nervous to open it so I threw it in my bag and continued my conversation with him which I eventually began to regret when he informed me that he still has feeling for her and that he was thinking of starting a relationship with her. This man actually came to my office to tell me to move on and allow him to take care of my love and my child.

After Vicki left I became a weak soul but I would never allow him to see how his words affected me. We talked some more and apologized to each other then he left and I continued with my work.

Everyday I would look at the envelope but I just couldn't bring myself to open it.

One Sunday afternoon I sat on the couch with the envelope in my hand just staring at it as if it would open itself. My mom and dad came over and saw me and looked at me worriedly. My mom kept thinking that I would go back into my slump if the name Vicki is mentioned so neither she nor my dad has mentioned Vicki's name since. They also kept checking up on my like I was some poor delicate soul and it was starting to get annoying.

"What's that?" My dad asked breaking the silence.

"Vicki sent it" I responded after a minute of silence.

"Son, you don't have to open it if you don't want to. Don't force yourself." dad said while mom started biting her nails.

"Honey don-" She began but dad held up his hand.

"Jackie he is old enough to make his own decisions" dad told her and she sighed and took a seat next to me.

"Are you going to open it? Or you want me to?" dad asked.

"Can you?" I asked him and handed him the envelope. He wasted no time and tore the envelope retrieving a card with words at the back. Due to the position I'm in, I am unable to see the front but the way my dad froze told me I wouldn't want to see what was on it. I get up to leave when my dad spoke up.

"Leon" he called and I sighed turning around.

"For you" he said and handed me the envelope and card. The sight before me caused my eyes to water and my knees to grow week. I took a seat once more as I looked at the card. The most beautiful pair of eyes stared back at me. My daughter was gorgeous. Vicki had captioned the photo 'Our little princess Leanna Nicole Walters.'

I can't believe I missed the birth of my daughter. A sob escaped me as I took in how beautiful she is. I read the back of the card.

Dear Leon,

I wrote this letter to let you know that our baby girl is already here. She was born on the 28 day of June weighing seven pounds and seven ounces. I thought I should let you know. She reminds me so much of you and she brings joy to my life every time I see her smile. I know you have your new family and I don't want to cause any problems but I just needed you to see the life we created, even just this once.

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