Chapter 15

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Vicki's POV

As Keith and I rode the elevator to the parking lot I could see how tense he really was. I could see how uncomfortable he was after meeting the lady called Amber. He was shocked when he saw her, the same reaction Mr Walter's had when his eyes met hers also. Who really is she? Is she more than just a client? Nah Couldn't be. What I am I even thinking?

"Are you gonna ask?" Keith asked me drawing me from my thoughts.

"Are you gonna tell?" I questioned him.

"Touche'" he answered with a smile.

"Seriously though, who is she?" I inquired.

"Well, Her name is Amber, which you already know. She, Leon, Mark and I met in college. We used to hang out a lot back then, even though her classes were on the other side of campus, we always met up and had lunch. She was like one of the guys." he smiled as if remembering something.

"She used to help us prank Leon. He would always fall for them. Then she'd tease hell out of him. She was the only person that was able to chop that ego of his. Good times." he finished.

All of a sudden I began feeling a little jealous that she got to see another side of him that I didn't.

The elevator has now reached the ground floor and we stepped off and went to Keith's car. He opened the door for me and we got in and drove to a diner. This is why I love hanging with Keith, he is extremely down to earth and doesn't take me to places that are so extravagant that they remind me how poor I am. Well i'm not poor, but the restaurants that Leon takes me to, the prices for the dishes on the menu are equivalent to my whole months salary. I'm not being ungrateful and complaining but.. it's just that I might want to treat him to a meal sometime and while he is accustomed to these fancy places, I can't afford it so how would he react if I just took him to a nice little diner that sells food I can actually pronounce? Sigh!

Keith held the diner door open for me as we walked in. We spotted a booth at the far back in a corner and decided to take it for privacy. 

 "Are you guys still close?" I asked as soon as we were seated. My curiosity was was getting the best of  me and I had to know more.

"Who?" Keith asked as a waiter came to take our order. I already knew what I wanted as this was not my first time here, so I told the waiter my order before answering Keith's question.

"You, Mark, Amber and Leon." Keith gave the waiter his order also and continued as soon as he had left.

"Well yeah, I'd like to think we're still close. Just  not as close as we were back then. Amber traveled a lot for her job so we only hung out once in a while. She is a fashion designer. I'm not sure if you've ever heard of Mira Bella."

"Oh my God.. Yes!! I love her dresses." I exclaimed excitedly, then mumbled sadly " But I can never afford them."

So that is why she reacted the way she did when I didn't recognize  who she was. That must have been a first time someone had not recognized her.

"Well yes, Amber is Mira Bella. How could you be a fan and not know the designer?"

"Hey! I never said I was a fan. I just love her designs. She is gonna design my wedding gown one day." I stared off  smiling dreamily. Keith chuckled before I heard him mumbling something along the lines of 'Yeah, good luck with that' but I ignored him as he is always trying to kill my vibe. 

The waiter then returned with our food and we ate making small talk and cracked jokes all lunch long. When my lunch hour was up, Keith drove me back to the office and followed me straight up to my desk. He thought I didn't know this but he was making sure that the Amber lady had left and no commotion was going on. I smiled at the thoughtful gesture and he hugged me good-bye promising to text me later like the good friend that he is. 

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