Chapter 2

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She picked up on the third ring. "Hey Mom, guess what?"

"Hey honey Did you get it?" She asked excitedly. 

"Yes Mom I'm hired" I said, barely able to contain my excitement. The loud scream that came next was unexpected and I had to move the phone from my ear. I laughed at how overly excited my mom was. It's almost as if she was the one being hired. She seems even more excited than I am.

"Make sure you come over for dinner later so we can celebrate okay baby." 

I smiled . "Okay Ma I'll be there at 7."

After we hung up I called up my best friend Maya and gave her the good news. She, like my mom was also excited and gave me a lecture on my laziness. She then agreed to meet up at the mall to shop for some work clothes. As much as I hate to touch my savings I don't want to appear too shabby in-front of my crush. We looked around and shopped for a couple of hours before heading home to freshen up for dinner with my family.

At about 6:50 PM  When we took the ten minute drive to my mom's house. I'm normally too lazy to even drive but tonight is an exception. I was too excited. Maya kept me entertained on the drive too with her non-stop chattering. She was telling me about some guy she just met and thinks he could be the one.

I always laugh when she says this because she thinks all guys could be the one. She even tried organizing a few blind dates for me before. Let's just say, they didn't end well. We soon arrived at my parents house and greeted the family. "Mama Lockhart what's good?" Maya greeted my mom. Ma just laugh at her antics and pulled her in for a hug. "Watch the boobs woman" Maya began mumbling. Fixing her top. My baby sister then came running into my arms. "Vicki I missed you" she said.

"Aww" Maya said behind me, whipping fake tears. We made our way inside where Ma served us some plates and we say grace before digging in. There was mashed potatoes and green beans and chicken with gravy. Not fancy but amazingly delicious.

During dinner Mom asked how my boss was. I kept my head low and mumbled Out. "Quite not what I expected." Mom stared at me for a moment before saying. "Was he that bad? I read online that you two are around the same age." I nodded my head before responding "yeah, in fact we were classmates."

Maya's head popped up at this. She began looking at my facial expression, studying me for a moment. "Really?" Mom sounded excited. Most likely planning something in her head. I just nodded not saying anything and spun my food around my plate while Maya stay digging holes to the side of my head.

"Who is your boss Vicki?" Maya asked taking a sip of her drink. When I didn't answer my mom cut in. "Oh she didn't tell you? His name is Leon Walters, he is the CEO of Walters Inc. Wikipedia says he took over after his dad retired a few years ago." she finished clapping in excitement. Maya spit out the drink she was drinking all over the dinner table and looked at me in shock.

"It can't be. No that's impossible. Didn't he went overseas to study?" She asked me but my mom seemed to have the mic tonight. "Yes I read online that he went over seas to study business management and came back to take over his fathers company."

Maya stared at me with her mouth agape. "Why didn't you tell me?" She asked looking straight into my eyes. I hung my head and asked to be excused and went to the bathroom to wash my face. While drying my face Maya Came and knocked the door and entered asking if I'm okay. I told her I'm fine and she eventually asked the details of the interview.

I told her everything while she held me. "You love him still don't you?" She asked after a moment of silence. Tears formed in eyes. " Its like I never stopped Loving him My. And to think I would be working with him everyday from now on when I could barely form a proper sentence when he looks at me. I'm such a teenager, what should I do? He can't find out."

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