Chapter 9

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Leon's P.O.V

She shut me down. Once again she shut me out. Every step forward with her seems like 12 steps back and I really don't get why she keeps doing this but I really can't take it anymore. After that wonderful night we had together she closed off on me again. Was I not good enough? I've been with a fair number of women before and I've never had any complaints so what is it?

I just don't get why everything is so hard with her, No pun intended. It's as if nothing about me impresses her. I've decided to give her her space for now. I am extremely pissed at her. She seemed a little disappointed at my distance but maybe I am just imagining things. She made it perfectly clear that she wanted a strictly professional relationship between us and I would never force her if she didn't want to be with me. Even though I miss her so much.

I've been in love with her for as long as I can remember but she doesn't seem to notice that. I can't keep my hands or lips to myself whenever she is around. I always want to taste and touch her. She is so addicting. She draws me in like a moth to a flame.

I love the feel of her soft lips moving against mine and her sweet body writhing beneath me. I love the way she screams my name through her climaxes. I love that I was the first man to have her and I hope to God that I am the last. I could never get enough of her, the more I have her, the more I want her. Just the thought of her is arousing me at the moment. I need to feel her again and very soon. She is so perfect and she doesn't even know it.

I've notice her hanging Out with Keith a little more lately and it hurts so much seeing her with another guy, even though he is my friend I want to rip him To shards sometimes. Vic is MINE and only MINE. I just need her to get it through her skull damnit!

I've never felt this way with another woman the way I feel about Vic. Not even Amber. Engaged or not I am not letting Vic go. I lost her once and it won't happen again. Victoria Lockhart is going to be my wife and the future mother of my children, she just doesn't know it yet.

I am currently in the shower trying to wash all thoughts of my lovely assistant down the drain which is definitely not working. I am suppose to be heading to the airport in a while to pick up my 'fiancé', she's been in Paris for fashion week and should be returning tonight. Before you say I'm a douche I'll have you know, I have no feelings whatsoever for my 'fiancé'. I am just with her for family purposes.

My family likes her and my dad wants me to marry her to merge our companies. Her dad owns another tech company and my dad sees dollar signs whenever she is involved. I had feelings for Amber at some point, but they faded overtime when I began to see her less. She started traveling more and when she came back she started going out more. I had asked her to marry me because it had seem like the next logical step in our relationship. After all We were college sweethearts.

Our conversations were dull, and we lost that zing we had back then. Now she just feels like a friend or even a sister to me. We don't even have sex anymore and it's never bothered me until I felt Vic's sweet pussy around my cock. I shoved all thoughts of Vic to the back of my mind and made my way to the airport.

When I arrived at the airport I took a seat and wait for Amber to show up. She arrived shortly wearing designer clothing and sunglasses adorned her eyes. "Hey baby" she greeted when she saw me and pecked my lips.
"How was your flight?" I asked as I took her luggage and head back to the car.
"You know, the usual. Some guy kept staring at me as if he's never seen a model before."

That's another thing with Amber, her ego is the size of a planet. I inwardly rolled my eyes as I put her suitcases in the trunk of the car then we drove off.

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