Chapter 19

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Leon's POV

Seeing Vicki this happy caused a swelling in my heart. I must be doing something right. I love this girl so much that I would do just about anything just to see her this happy everyday. "Baby you deserve all this and more. Don't cry. I haven't even proposed yet." I teased her causing her to smile and smack me. I loved her smile. I loved everything about her and I am gonna prove that to her tonight.

I lead her to the table and Javier brought us the first course for the night.  At the sight of Javier, Vicki's jaw fell to the floor. "You were in on this too?" She asked and he just smiled and zipped his lips.

Javier then left the table and returned with our drinks and we began to eat while making small conversation and getting to know each other a bit more. I'm beginning to regret not approaching her in high school. She is just so amazing.

"So, what made you join the family business?" she asked after swallowing a mouthful of food. One thing with this girl, she can eat.

"Well, I love my dad and I just thought this is the least I could do for him after all the trouble I caused in high school. Besides, I'm his favorite child."

She laughed at that. "Boy, you are his only child!" We continued to eat for a while before she asks "Do you regret it? Taking over from you're dad I mean"

"Nah, I love what I do. Plus if I never took over I would've never met you" I said in all seriousness but she giggled and turned her face.

"What?" I asked.

"You met me before Leon, we went to the same high school remember? We were in the same classes and you never even spoke to me once."

"Yes I did"


"I spoke to you before, in high school. You just don't remember"

"What?" she asked again. "I think I would remember if 'the' Leon Walters, hottest guy in school, captain of the basket ball team and womanizer spoke to me before."

"Is that what you thought of me back then, that I was a womanizer?" I asked her. I must admit it stung a bit for her to think of me as a womanizer when all along she was the only woman I had eyes for.

"Um yeah, pretty much. You had girls fawning all over you and you loved every minute of it. You even dated two best friends at one time." she said looking at me as if daring me to deny it.

I chuckled at her cute expression. "Everything is not always as it seem babe. Don't believe everything that you hear. I had one girlfriend in high school and that was Ashley Benson."

"Oh, what happened? I heard you cheated and slept with her best friend"

"Nah, Ashley and I were only messing around in the beginning but she wanted us to be more. However, before we decided to become a couple I told her that my heart had already belonged to someone else. She didn't seem to have a problem with it so we decided to start dating . We dated a while, as you know and then she confessed that she had fallen in love with me and I couldn't say it back. When she asked if there was someone else  I told her no and she didn't believe me, she started acting all crazy until she realized there really was no one else and asked if I was still in love with the same person I had told her about from the beginning. I told her yes I was and she started asking me millions of questions about who the girl was. When I didn't answer, let's just say things got ugly from there. She found out who the girl was after catching me staring and smiling at her one time and threatened to bully her and tell the whole school my secret crush unless I stayed with her. So I stayed with her until two months before graduation then I got fed up and wanted to confess my feelings to the girl and she found out and told the whole school that I slept with her best friend and I know by then the girl I really liked had heard and wouldn't want to be with me after that so I just broke it off with Ashley and remained single til college." I finished with a shrug.

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