Chapter 34

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@LuluMulmix Thanks for commenting on the previous A/N, your support is greatly appreciated, I look forward to hearing more from you. Everybody say hi to @LuluMulmix.

Leon's POV

Today is the day I'm supposed to be getting married, The day where I officially die on the inside. The halls were beautifully decorated. Everything was perfect. If it wasn't for the incorrect bride, This would've been the wedding of my dreams.

"Leon you don't have to do this" My dad tried to convince me as he tied my bow tie. It was obvious my family was worried about my health but for right now I truly don't care about anything. I have nothing to live for anyway. The doctors at the hospital gave me some medications to take but I haven't been taking any at all. It's just no use. I might as well just give up on life. They told my parents that I had a nervous break down but I know I am fine. I just want to die that's all. I might as well just die anyway, I would never see my family again, and no I'm talking about relatives, i'm talking about my Love and my child. They are my family. My kid would grow up without knowing who I am and he/she would eventually call another man dad.

That thought alone hurt me to no end and I grabbed the nearest sharp object that just happens to be a pair of scissors. I cant take this anymore. My dad grabbed me and called for back up. Mark came rushing in and tried to grab the scissor from my hand before I can cause any harm to myself or others.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to let him get married Mr. Walters? I think he really needs help." Dad nodded and sighed deeply.

"I really don't think he is in the right frame of mind to do anything. He won't even speak or eat. Look at him. It's like he is trying to kill himself. I didn't want to do this but the doctor says if he doesn't come back to his usual self soon he would have to be put into a mental institution"

"No! Mr. Walters you can't do this to him. Leon needs his family and friends. He needs to know we still care!" Mark screamed at my dad and I was shocked at the tone of voice he used. No one dare speaks to my dad like that. Not even mom. This kid got balls.

"Do you really think I want to put my son in an asylum?! I don't think he is crazy! Yes he might be a little off track right now but that's because he is hurt! The kid is perfectly fine to me! I love my boy so much Mark. It just hurts to see him like this. I would do anything to return him to his original self. I really want to help him but what can I do?"

"But isn't putting him in an asylum the same as giving up on him? He won't be able to see his family or his friends. The people that are suppose to be there for him in his time of need. We are the ones that are suppose to help him heal." Mark sighed. "I just want my best friend back. He just needs some time to heal that's all. He is going through a lot right now and this is the only way he knows how to cope with it. Just please, don't give up on him yet."

"I won't, You really are a true friend. You are heart broken but you are here to pick up the pieces of your friend. Even though it's like he doesn't recognize anybody anymore."

"He is more than a friend, he is like a brother to me. I know he would do the same for me. Plus he'll come around, just give him some time."


The wedding march began and I kept my head lowered as my soon to be wife walked down the isle to me. Her face held the biggest smile ever and most of the audience were from her side of the family. People looked at us with tears in their eyes but my dad's eyes held anger and regret. There were a few kids running around and I kept wondering what my life would be like had I never met Amber and had spoken to Vicki in high school like a normal person. I really couldn't believe the love of my life had left me. The most important part of my being is gone and I won't even be able to see my kid. My life sucks and it's all my fault.

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