Chapter 16

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Vicki's POV

After an amazing night with wonderful dreams, I opened my eyes to see my grinning boyfriend hovering over me, his bright blue eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Good morning baby" he said pulling the sheets slowly from my body. I couldn't help but smile at his cuteness.

"Hello" I responded and he placed his lips softly on mine.

"You're late" he said and began kissing my neck slowly but sensually and sucking on the soft spot below my ear before nibbling my earlobe.

"But my alarm didn't go off" I told him, my breathing becoming heavy.

"It did, but I turned it off because it was noisy" he started sucking a little harder and I was sure he was trying to leave a love bite there. A small moan escaped me as my breathing became even more heavier.

"That's the point Leon." I moaned loudly  "And stop you're going to make us even more late" He was deliberately trying to turn me on and we all know what happens when he does that. His lips started lowering to my breasts while his hands tugged my flimsy pajama top down to expose my erect nipples. A deep growl escapes his lips as he took in my aroused state. His lips then connected with my right nipple causing a gasp to escape my lips and my back to arch from the bed.

His tongue caressed one nipple while his hand played with the other, pinching it to a hard pebble. He alternated between both breasts giving each the same amount of attention and I was a goner. His left hand slowly sunk below my shorts and found my heated center. His fingers circled my nub playing with my juices before he suddenly sunk two fingers inside me. A loud moan left my throat and my nails scratched his back from the pleasure that shot through me instantly.

"You're so responsive" he moans, clearly turned on by my body's response to his administrations. "You're mouth is telling me to stop but you're body is begging me to continue. What do you want baby?" I bit my lip trying to get my body back under my control. My whole body felt as if it was on fire. My mind was extremely foggy. It Took everything in me to stop him and bring us back to reality.

"We got to go Leon, We'll be late." I said pushing him from above me.

"I'm the boss remember?" he responded.

"I know, but I'm an employee. People would start talking if I were to miss days or get to work late."

"So what? Let them talk."

"I don't want people to start suspecting anything"

"Is is such a bad thing if everyone to knows you're mine?" he argued.

I sighed heavily. "No, it's not but I just don't want people to think that I got this job because I'm sleeping with you."

"Trust me, that is the last thing people would think." I smiled at his response and dragged him to the shower with me. What? I'm trying to conserve water, leave me alone.

We got ready and left for work using his car. We decided to stop for breakfast on the way to the office. Throughout the whole drive, Leon's phone kept ringing non-stop. I peeked at the caller ID after the third time and saw the name Amber flash across the screen.

"Are you gonna get that?" I asked him.

"I'm driving" he responded coldly. His whole happy demeanor he had all morning had changed.

"Should I get it for you then? It seems important." I offered.

"Not a chance in hell" he said. I stared at him confused for a moment. Why does he seem so mad at her? What happened? Keith said they were best friends but Leon is acting as if she is anything but.

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