Chapter 13

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Vicki's P.O.V

As we boarded to plane back to Los Angeles, I couldn't help but reminisce on the various events that occurred this past week. I still couldn't believe that I was finally dating Leon after so many years. It felt like all my dreams were finally coming through. Well that's a bit much but you get what I mean. We were currently flying first class once again but this time I felt more relaxed and was enjoying the flight. The hostess came and offered us some drinks but Leon kept staring at me dreamily so I had to order drinks for us both. He is just too cute. I knew he was just doing that to show me that I have nothing to be insecure about and it worked.

We got our drinks a while later then Leon pulled his laptop and began catching up on his work. I rolled my eyes and tried to catch up on some reading myself. After about two hours of him working and me reading, we both got bored eventually and decided to join the mile high club. I swear this man is insatiable but who am I to complain? I love the way he ravishes my body as if it were his last meal. The remainder of the flight I spent sleeping. He really wore me out.

Leon woke me when the flight landed and we took separate cars home because he had to stop by the office for something, the workaholic that he is.

When I got to my apartment I was welcomed by the sight of Maya patiently seated with her legs propped on my couch and a bowl of popcorn in her hand as she watched some Tv show. This young lady really did make herself at home didn't she? I almost thought I walked into the wrong house.

"So, How was it? Tell me everything. Did you guys do it? How, When and where? Also why are you wearing a necklace with Leon's name engraved?" My hand automatically gripped the necklace before I sat next to her on the couch.

"Geez,at least let me catch my breath first" I told her as I made myself a bit more comfortable.

"I did, now dish"

"There's nothing to tell" I responded. My phone suddenly starts ringing beside me and I checked to see it's Leon and he wants to face-time me. I mouthed a 'be quiet' to Maya before picking up the call.

"Hey baby, did you get home safe? I'm sorry I couldn't see you home." His deep husky voice came through the phone. He was seated on the couch in his office, long legs spread on the arm of the chair.

"I just got in and it's okay, I know how important your job is to you."

"Nothing is more important to me than you baby" I blushed and I heard him chuckle.

"Are you really blushing right now?"

"No" I responded turning my face. Maya was staring at me with her jaw dropped and it took everything in me not to laugh out loud. I let out a small giggle before staring back at the phone screen.

"Are you alone?" Leon asked curiously.

"No she is not." Maya responded and took my phone from my hand and started a full blown conversation with Leon. I signaled to her that I was going to take a shower and disappeared to the bathroom. After my shower I came out to find Maya still on the phone with Leon and I grabbed back my phone to speak with my boyfriend.

"I thought you called to speak with me?" I scolded him.

"I did, but you got all shy and disappeared"

"I was taking a shower" I defended myself. His eyes darkened at my statement and he stared at me very intently.

"You shouldn't have told me that" I couldn't control my laughter.

"You're insatiable Mr. Walters you know that?"

"Mhmm, I love it when you call me that." He groaned.

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