Chapter 3

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Vicki's P.O.V

I know it seems out of the blue that I wanna meet this guy but the thing is, the longer I stay 'available' around Leon, the easier it would be for me to yield to the temptation that is him.

I have no intention of passing employee boundaries with him but he always make me feel things that I don't want to.

"What happened?" Maya asked worriedly when she answered. My outburst must have come as a shock for her.

"He touched my hand My"

"And? I thought you liked him, you should be ecstatic but here you are sounding panicked"

"I do like him, but he is my boss My. Plus he scares the heck out of me"

Maya giggled after hearing me say this.

"Ain't that the truth, I remember back in high school when he asked you to borrow your pen and you froze and just stared at him. Had I not been there you would have looked like a total fool....Well more than you already do at least." she added.

"Hey, I was just a little startled that's all, Plus it's not like he ever spoke to me before then. And he didn't even return my pen."

"Let bygones be bygones, it's time you stop being so shy around him, he is just a guy Vicki, and so what if he is your boss?"

"I can't date my boss, what would happen if we were to break up? I would lose a job I actually do enjoy doing."

"Why do you always have to be so negative? Just relax and go with the flow."

"I'd rather not. So are you gonna help me or not?"

"Urghh!! You infuriate me but fine i'll ask Mark to organise a double date. And try not to be so shy around him. I hear he is an investment banker."

"Have you met him?" I asked.

"No but I've seen his picture. And let me just say, he is 'hunkalicious', Wait... let me send you his picture."

"And why do you have his picture?" I questioned my best friend.

"Just in-case Mark starts acting up, plus he is muy caliente" she responded as her usual crazy self.

Image received

"Wow, he is so hot! Thanks Maya, You're the best. I owe you one"

"Damn right you do, Mark says he has Saturday free. You up for it?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Good, now get lost am late for my dick appointment"

I laughed and hung up, that my best friend y'all.

After our conversation ended I took a shower and got ready for bed. I fell asleep thinking about my date. I really hope he is as nice as he looks. Mama always said Looks were deceiving.

The following day, I got up early and got ready for work as usual. I decided to drive to work today, I should be going to the store after work anyway.

I got to work a half hour early and decide to have breakfast in the cafeteria. After eating, I got coffee for Mr Walters and booted up my computer to start working. Mandy came shortly after and we engaged in conversation a bit. We had gotten close in the short period I'm here.

Mr Walters came not too long after and greeted us with a nod Before heading to his office. Five minutes later I knocked his door and entered his office. He had his coffee in one hand and his phone in the other. He was so engrossed in what he was doing that he didn't hear me enter. I cleared my throat and he jumped a bit before playing it off like it didn't happen. I smiled to myself before telling him what's on the agenda for today.

"Thank you Miss Lockhart. That would be all." Then he was back to his phone again. I wonder what has him so caught up, must be some woman. Leon was quite the ladies man back in the day so it would not be a surprise if he was still the same Leon as before. After all, a tiger never changes its stripes.

I got back to my desk and started typing up some documents I had forgotten about. Mandy had left me to work alone today and she was just supervising to make sure I understand. She was just telling me about some of places I could use to host business meetings and some of the different phone calls I should look out for when the phone started ringing, cutting her off.

"Good day, Walters Inc, how may I help you?" I answered quite jolly if I may add. I was in my work zone right now.

"Leon please." A voice answered slightly annoyed.

"Whom may I say is calling?" I asked professionally.

"Excuse me?" She asked angrily. I stared at Mandy with wide eyes. She looked at the caller I.D before a panicked expression crosses her face. She took the phone from my hand then apologised to the mean lady before transferring the call to Leon's office.

After she was finished with the call she explained to me that I should always transfer any call from that number straight to Leon's office if he is not in a meeting without picking it up. I wrote down the number for future references then try to scoop information about the caller out of Mandy but she wouldn't budge so I just sighed and got back to work with curiosity killing me. Was she his girlfriend? She sure didn't seem like a client. A pang of jealousy hit me when I think of him with another woman.

I delved back into my work after that trying to keep myself busy so I don't have any time to think. A while later Leon emerged from his office with his cellphone at his ear, he walked over to the stairs continuing his phone call in private. I began working again, I was almost done typing anyway. Somewhere between working and thinking, I felt as if someone was watching me, at first I ignored it until I felt the gaze burning holes into the side of my face.

I looked toward the area of the stairs and met the most gorgeous eyes I have ever seen in my life staring back at me. Leon's gaze was intense, no sign of anger present. Just fresh pools of blue staring back at me. I was entranced, I couldn't bring myself to look away. It's felt as if he was looking into my soul, trying to tell me something but I don't know what. I've always loved his eyes but nothing beats feeling those beautiful blue orbs on me. It was as if everyone and everything had disappeared and we were the only two persons there. I don't know how long I was looking at him but it wasn't until Mandy hit my arm that I was able to get back to earth.

"Vicki, are you still there? I've been calling you for the last five minutes, what has you so caught up?" She giggled. I flushed red with embarrassment at her question.

"Nothing, what were you saying?" I asked trying to change the subject. Leon then emerged from hiding and Mandy looked at me knowingly.

"Please don't tell me you too." She said.

"What did I do?" I asked innocently.

"Do you also have a crush on our boss?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips.

"What? Crush? Pfft, what are you saying? Are you crazy?" She studied me for a few minutes before responding.

"Just don't fall for him okay, I like you and I don't want to See you get hurt." She said seriously now.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Just........ don't okay"

"Okay" I said. Little did she know it was already too late for that. I wonder what she was hiding for him though.

The rest of the day went by uneventful and I couldn't wait to get home and meet my bed. I was suddenly feeling tired. Mandy's words were on my mind all throughout the night. I keep trying to figure out why she said what she did but I eventually gave up and let sleep consume me.



Short chapter, had a little problem with the original so I deleted it which I regret because it was 100 times better than this one, but no worries, they are basically saying the same thing.😊 Don't forget to Vote,Comment and share 😍😘

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