Chapter 11

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Leon's P.O.V

I rose before Vic the following morning but decided against getting up. I never wanted this moment to end. I smiled down at the beautiful woman in my arms and kissed her forehead. She stirred and opened one eye before closing it again, then immediately both eyes shot open And the moment was ruined. She leaped out of my arms as if I had burnt her.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" She shouted getting up from the bed.

"What did it look like I was doing?" I asked her taking in her appearance once more.

"Stay the Hell away from me Leon" She said, tugging  her shorts down to give them length. They had ridden up during the night. My eyes glued to her smooth legs, this girl was sexy as hell without even trying.

"Now why would I want to do that?" I asked her smirking, I got up and walked in her direction. She steps back every time I get closer.

"I don't want you near me."

"You don't mean that"

"I do" She said and ran to the bathroom. I chuckled.

"You can't always hide in the bathroom you know?"

"I can and I will"

"Just hurry, we have to get to a brunch meeting at 10." She didn't respond but I heard the shower running after that. I laid on the bed staring at the ceiling before a thought came to me, she didn't carry any article of clothing with her to the bathroom. Lucky me. An evil grin made its way to my face before I got up and hide her luggage. I know it's childish but that's the only way she would actually talk to me.

Fifteen minutes later I heard the shower being turned off and she came out wearing a white bath towel with Water dripping from her hair to the valley between her breast, it was so sexy that I practically ran to the bathroom so she wouldn't see how aroused I was. While showering I could hear her cursing probably noticing she couldn't find her luggage. I laughed at how cute she was before finishing up my shower and shaving and brushing my teeth.

When I opened the bathroom door she was on the bed sitting still in her towel and shooting daggers at me. If looks could kill, I'd be dead at the very moment. She stormed towards me angrily and pointing a finger at my chest while shouting.

"Where are my clothes Leon? Am not playing!" I grabbed her waist and brought her closer to me. She was so beautiful and her anger aroused me immensely. How is that even possible? I just stared at her gorgeous face not saying anything. She struggled against me and it caused her towel to loosen and fall to the floor. She stared at me wide eyed while my gaze hungrily raked her naked body. My groin responding immediately. A gasp escaped her lips when she looked down and saw how hard I was beneath the towel. My balls ached to be buried deep inside her.

I lowered to the floor to retrieve her towel after noticing she wasn't picking it up. I slowly stood up still staring at her nakedness, noticing how her nipples turned to hard buds. She was just as aroused as I was. She licked her lips and looked at my towel again, making my cock twitch. A soft groan escaped my lips and she looked at my eyes. I gave her towel to her and she stared at my towel once more. Unable to bear it anymore, I removed my towel so she could see what she does to me. I grabbed her small hand and placed it on my hard shaft stroking it gently. She didn't even protest one bit.

"This is what you do to me Vic, every time I come near you." My words came out forced as I couldn't speak well while she is touching me like this. I let go of her hand and she continued stroking me with her right hand. Her left hand then came forward and grabbed my hand and placed it between her legs.

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