Chapter 4

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Leon's P.O.V

⚠️Slight Mature Content Ahead⚠️

Ever since that day Victoria Lockhart entered my office for her interview, it's has been a real challenge for me to keep my hands to myself and the tent out of my pants. She had seemed extremely nervous that day like she always does around me. My Vicki was a shy one.

 Back in high school I would always sneak glances at her  when no one was looking. I had snapped a few pictures of her along the way. I sound like a creep, I know, but she just fascinated me. I was always too scared to ask her out with the fear that she would reject me. It's not that I can't handle rejection, I can, just not from her. I've been known as quite the play-boy back in the day so I knew that at first glance Vic would never want to be with me.

I had always been in-love with her. Heck,  I still am. There was just something about her that drove me crazy. After we graduated and I left for college, I had given up hopes of ever falling in love or ever meeting her again. That was until she stepped into my office that day looking for a job. She was always beautiful in my eyes back then, but somehow now she became even more beautiful. 

Magnificent even. 

When she started stuttering, I told myself that maybe she was just shocked to see me again. After all, I myself was shocked when Many handed me her file. However, when she tried to walk out of my life by giving up on the job, I had to stop her, so I hired her on the spot to keep her close. Then she did the unexpected and hugged me, I was barely able to keep my shit together. I held her in my arms for the first time and it felt so good but I needed more so I put my head in the crook of her neck and inhaled her lavender scent. The scent I had longed to smell for years. My desperate actions made her flinch and pull away from me and I must admit, it made me feel a bit sad.

That night, she was all I could think of. She had my heart racing again, something I haven't felt in a while. I just couldn't wait to see her again, so I ask Mandy to let her come to the office the following day. She showed up in a dress that brings out the color of her beautiful dark skin as well as her curves and nice ass. 

What I wouldn't give to hold that ass right now? I had to think of old naked grannies to ease the strain in my pant.

I had to be hard on her. It's the only way I can control my emotions . I made my way around the desk while I outline her duties and tasks and couldn't help but notice that whenever I'm speaking with her, she doesn't look at me. Is she afraid of me? I wondered. Do I scare her? It hurt a bit to know that she was afraid of me, so I asked her just to make sure. She had answered no with so much innocence in her eyes that I had to act harsh to bring myself back on track.

I offered her a ride home that day and was glad I did because that was the first time I held her hand. When I'm around her, I'm unable to control my actions. I just hope I don't come off as creepy to her.

The next day, I noticed that Mandy had her working alone and was just monitoring her  as she worked. I was proud of her at least. Then I got a call from Amber, my fiancé. We had been together for the past 6 years since we graduated college, we got engaged about a year ago as I thought marriage was the next logical step in the relationship, but now I am rethinking it. We met at university and hit it off from there. She became a model for a magazine and I took over the company when my dad had retired, building apps and designing software and such. I had gotten my degree in computer engineering and business management in order to follow in daddy's footsteps. He had always been my role model. He had never really  liked Amber but he hid it pretty well to not make her feel uncomfortable. Especially as she is my fiancé and also because he wanted to merge our companies.

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