Chapter 14

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Leon's POV

While catching up on work on the plane, I received an email from my stand-in at the office saying that my signature was needed urgently on some documents so I head straight to my office from the airport and allowed one of my drivers to drop Vicki off at home. After calling and making sure she got home safely I got back to the task at hand.

When I got home I received a warm welcome home from my fiancee' which is strange if you ask me. She even went the extra mile to cook me a meal. She never cooks, yet here laid before me on the dining table was white rice with gravy chicken and steamed vegetables on the side. I just pray she was not trying to send me to my grave early. Something just doesn't seem right. Is her career failing? Is she cheating on me?Not that I would care or anything.

"Hey baby, I cooked you dinner" she said sweetly, greeting me with a kiss on the cheeks.

"I can see that, but What's the occasion?" I asked.

"Can't I just cook dinner for my fiance'?"

"You never cook. Speaking of cooking, where is Javier?" Javier was my personal chef. I know my way around the kitchen, but with the amount of hours I work, i'm mostly tired when I get home.

"I sent him home early" she responded with the sweetest smile ever. Something definitely isn't right. She is acting all sweet and lovey, she is never like this. I studied her with narrowed eyes.

"Whats wrong babe?" she asked.

"Okay, cut the bullshit now Amber, what do you need?"

"What makes you think I need something?" She asked with a fake look of hurt on her face. I gave her a 'really' look and she took a seat with a long sigh with her head lowered.

"Promise me you wont get mad" she said after a pregnant pause.

"I wont make any promises that I cant keep" I responded, already getting mad.

"Leon, you know I love you and would never hurt you intentionally right?"

Her saying this kinda made me feel like a douche for playing with her feelings like this. I admit, I always knew she loved me. Heck, we both had feelings for each other at the beginning of our relationship. It's just that somewhere along the course of six years I lost my feelings for her but I never once thought of leaving her and I guess she felt the same way about not leaving me because she never once complained and pressured me into marrying her when all of her friends had gotten married. I never even cheated on her until Vicki showed up. We had a semi perfect relationship if not for me not having feelings for her. She is not as bad as people may think. Which kinda makes me a douche now that I think about it. We understood each other, which is why I was able to notice that something was bothering her tonight.

I gave a long sigh. "Amber, you know I could be less mad if you just came out with it right?" I asked her.

She kept her head down as she began confessing. "I went out for drinks with a colleague of mine and he was there with his boyfriend who so happened work at a rival company of yours and I may or may not have leaked confidential information to him about an upcoming app that you are trying to develop. I am so sorry and I promise to never go out for drinks with anyone else again. I would do anything to fix this mess if you just gave me a chance."

I stared at her wide eyed and frozen in place. I was beyond shocked. Of all the things Amber could have done, this has never once crossed my mind. I felt that vein bulging in the center of my forehead as my anger elevated. If we were in a cartoon, my whole face would be red right now with smoke coming from my ears.

"Say something, please" she begged after I had just been staring at her red with anger and not saying anything.

"How the f*ck could you allow something like that to happen!!? Where did you even get confidential information about my company?." I shouted at her. My anger surfacing and rearing it's ugly head. I have never once been this angry at Amber as I am right now. She literally jumped a the sound of my voice and began cowering as if I would hit her, which I wont. I have never hit a woman in my life and I don't plan on doing it either.

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