Chapter 24

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For sensitive viewers please skip at the last '***'. That part might be a little too much! Thank You.

Vicki's POV

After my talk with Keith, a lot has been circling through my mind. I was angry, sad and happy all at the same time. I was angry at myself and Leon for allowing this to happen, I was sad because I was not ready to be a mom and I'm not sure Leon was ready to be a dad either. If I'm bring totally honest, I don't even know if he wants kids someday. We never really talked about kids or marriage for that matter and I was just now noticing all of this? I was also a little happy to know that Leon and I created a little life together. I sighed. What was I thinking? It could just be stress, a missed period doesn't always mean pregnancy.

But two missed periods Vicki? That goes back to the time he took my virginity. I don't think we used protection then. I sighed again. I was doomed. For sure my mom would disinherit me. She was a super religious woman. That being said, No sex before marriage, her number one rule.

I was a walking shell of myself that afternoon. I was like a zombie. I don't  even remember doing my work, but somehow I did it.

Later that day when I got home I was afraid of eating anything, I have never been so nervous in my whole life which is sad because I don't remember being this nervous when I first allowed Leon to have sex with me. Urgh! I chewed on my finger nails and continuously fidget in my seat. I started doubting Leon and I's relationship. What if he was never serious about me and I was just another notch in his belt? What would I do? What if he doesn't want the baby? I took deep calming breaths and tried to relax myself once more.

Keith came an hour later after I got home. I had already showered and ate a snack by then. Could you believe this guy? He bought  seven tests? I knew he wanted to be sure but isn't two enough? I propped myself on the couch with a bottle of water. I was so afraid of the result.

"You okay?" Keith asked sitting beside me. I laid my head on his shoulder for a while.

"No matter what the result is Vicki, I won't judge you okay? I'm here for you." He said and kissed my head. I cuddled into him more and smiled. I am so thankful for having him in my life.

"You know I love you right?" He asked and I grinned up at him.

"Yes, I know, Now stop stalling" I laughed as he pushed me off of the couch. I went to the bathroom and did all seven tests and waited. I prayed and prayed and prayed. When I opened my eyes after five minutes, tears flowed uncontrollably from my eyes.

I couldn't stop them. I fell to the bathroom floor sobbing loudly. What have I done?

"Vic, are you okay in there?" Keith asked outside the door. I washed my hands and face and came out to him. I tried to hold it in, believe me I tried but I broke down as soon as I saw his hopeful face. He pulled me to his chest and I sobbed harder.

"It's positive right?" he asked and I held up one of the tests to show him the two lines on it. He hugged me tighter and kept telling me it's going to be okay, but my gut keep telling me that this is the beginning of the end.

Keith stayed with me and made me dinner. He tried cheering me up and it worked for a while before my phone starts ringing and Leon's name flashed across the screen. I quickly ignored it and continued looking at the movie we were watching on Netflix.

"You know you're gonna have to tell him right?" he asked softly and I nodded my head yes. Should I tell Leon? Yes. Do I tell Leon?... I don't know... Eventually...Maybe? Could I tell Leon? Hell no! I am so scared right now.

My phone started ringing again and I ignored Leon's call once more.

"You know he is gonna show up Here if you don't answer right?" Keith asked and I panicked. I do not want to see Leon's face right now. I never thought I'd see the day when those thoughts go through my mind. As soon as my phone rang again I grabbed it and answered quickly. I don't like being lied to and I try not to lie, which is why I didn't want to speak with Leon as yet. I don't want to lie to him and I know he could tell if something was bothering me.

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