Chapter 28

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Leon's POV

Today was the day I was definitely not looking forward to. My mom's charity gala was taking place tonight and I would be expected to spend time in the company of my 'fiance' without causing a scene. If I am being totally honest here, I am not as put together as I appear to be right now. I was still not ready to face Amber as yet and I didn't think my dad was either. He has been in my room all morning trying to work on his poker face and trying to keep his anger at bay. He is still mad that I won't be filing a report with the police or even pressing charges. He thinks that I am a softy. Truth is, I don't want Vicki to find out what happened between Amber and I. Not only that, but  if the media gets word of it, things can get real messy.

My dad and I were planning to dress alike for this event so we both got ready together and both wore burgundy suits with black shirt and tie and black loafers. I must admit though, we did look pretty sharp. We sure clean up nice if I do say so myself. I took a few pictures and sent to Vicki and only she would boost my ego as much as she did. She made me feel like I was the most handsome man in this world. I was grinning from ear to ear after reading her message when my dad caught me and started teasing me about it. He basically teased me from the moment we got in the limo to the minute we stood on the red carpet. After, we just posed for a few pictures. 

The paparazzi asked a few questions about my outfit choice and the designer and that sort of thing. Some even asking a few personal questions about my relationship status but I always do well to avoid answering them, only answering those of the business variety. I hadn't asked Vicki to this charity event with me because 'you know who' would be here and I don't think I would be able to forgive myself if something happens to Vicki. Plus, I am not ready to share Vicki with the world as yet. I want her all for myself. I know it sounds as if she is my dirty little secret but I can guarantee you she is not. That woman is my whole world. I don't think I would be the same if she ever leaves me. Just the thought of her leaving me causes an awful ache in my chest.

My dad and I answered a few more questions then made our way inside. The gala was being held at an old manor. I am not one for noticing insignificant things but from what I could tell it was beautifully decorated. Mom surely went overboard this year. Everything looked amazing. Dad and I walked around and made small talk with a few wealthy business men before I spot my mom talking to an older man and his wife. I would have been more happier to greet my mom had she not had the witch's hand hooked to her arm. My whole body tensed when Amber's and my eyes made contact across the room. The sinister smile she wore chilled my bones. I refused to let her get to me though. I can see it her eyes that she felt she has won but I guess she hasn't met the real Leon yet. I should've dumped her since the beginning. I never should've allowed things to get this far.

My mom wore a beautiful red gown while Amber wore a yellow one. My mom was a very  beautiful woman that loved to dress up. And when she does? Wow, lets just say we can all see what attracted my dad to her. Amber looked incredible tonight. If I were the same man I was a few years ago, I would've been captivated by her beauty right now. She sure had a way of turning heads. She was gorgeous and she knew it.

"Don't let her get to you." Dad whispered in my ears. I shook my head nodding. "The same goes to you as well old man." He pat my shoulder and mom came over to us.

"Well look who it is. I thought you guys weren't gonna come."

"Mom, we promised we would. Have a little faith." I teased and gave her a hug as greeting.

"'You guys are always late. I don't know why I expected anything else." She responded and kissed my dad on his lips. I always hoped to find a love like what they have some day.

My dad and mom were actually high school sweet hearts. Vic and I could've been also if I had some balls back then. I chuckled at the thought and my mom pulled away from dad and looked at me.

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