Chapter 30

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Vicki's POV

Keith and I were on our way to the OB/GYN right now. I was a nervous wreck as I sat in the passenger seat of his car. I twiddled my thumbs as I thought of all the possible outcomes that could happen at the end of this appointment. I have to admit, I was a bit scared. Keith seemed to noticed this and tried to keep me calm by singing songs that came on the radio, that dude was a horrible singer by the way. I laughed a little but my mind was still occupied.

"Relax Vicki, everything is going to be okay. Just think of it as seeing your baby for the first time alright? I won't let anything happen to you, I promise." he said while squeezing my thigh. I smiled and relaxed instantly.

When we got to the hospital I alerted the receptionist of my arrival and took a seat in one of the waiting chairs with Keith sitting next to me. Posters of pregnancy and breast-feeding decorated the walls of the waiting room and 'what to expect' magazines sat on a table at the front. As I look around some more, I saw soon-to-be parents with smiles plastered on their faces. There was even one father-to-be feeling his girlfriend's tummy for baby movement. I sat wondering if Leon and I would be like that in the future.

I placed my hand on my stomach feeling my little bump. I am surprised Leon hasn't seen it as yet or maybe he did and thought it was a food belly like I did, after-all, I did gain a few pounds. My stomach was not huge but when compared to my stomach months ago, it was obvious I was pregnant.

"Ms.Cole? The doctor will see you now" The receptionist said and I saw a familiar figure rose from her seat and followed the nurse. Keith froze at the sight also so I definitely knew I didn't see wrong.


What is she doing here?

She slowly walked toward where the doctor's office was holding her stomach. "Isn't that Amber?" I asked Keith but he just shrugged his shoulders.

We waited a bit and she came back out. Her eyes landed on me and she froze. Keith wrapped his arm around me protectively as she made her way over to us.

"Keith, it's so nice to see you. We haven't hung out in a while. What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Oh, I just came to drop Vicki here for a check up" Keith said while rubbing my shoulder. I found his actions to be a bit weird but kept quiet.

"Girlfriend?" she asked and Keith chuckled shaking his head.

"Nah, she's already spoken for." Amber's eyebrows rose but she nodded understandably.

"I see. So are you coming to the wedding?"

"You guys set a date?" Keith asked her and she grinned evilly.

"Yeah we did actually, ending of next month. We're so excited." she said all while looking at me.

"Well congrats" I forced out feeling extremely awkward.

"Thank you, you should come. I'll be sure to send you an invitation." I nodded my head and she bid us good-bye and left. Hell would have to freeze over before I attend her wedding. After what she did to my boyfriend? Pfft, she's lucky I didn't bust her face up.

Keith and I continued joking around until my name was called. We both went to the doctors office and took a seat there. A nurse came shortly after and greeted us and took my blood pressure levels, blood sample and my weight before handing me a cup to pee in. I left my bag with Keith and took the cup with shaky fingers. I already knew what the results would be, I really don't get why I'm this nervous.

After finishing up my business in the bathroom, I came back and saw Keith chatting up the nurse. She paused in the middle of a laugh when she saw me returning to the room. Does Keith and I even look like a couple? I mean I get it's easy to assume he might be the baby's father as he is here with me, but still.

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