Chapter 20

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👋 For You my lovely Readers☺️ Enjoy 😉

Leon's POV

When I opened the door to my house, I was completely taken aback at the sight of both my parents accompanying Amber in my living room waiting for me to come home.

"Mom, Dad What are you doing here?" I asked ignoring Amber.

"Can't I come to pay my son a visit?" Mom asked while dad just stared at me quietly.

"I never said that, but you could've called" I said shifting my eyes from dad to mom. He still hasn't said anything but I could feel him accessing me. I gulped and took a seat next to mom.

"You would have avoided us if we called. I just came to drop off your invitation for the Charity ball i'm having." she said and handed me an envelope.

"Amber, will you be able to make it this year?" she asked Amber.

"When is it?" Amber responded.

"In two weeks. Leon didn't tell you?" She asked.

"As you can see for yourself, Leon just came home. I haven't been seeing much of him lately. He keeps himself busy with work."

"Don't mind him, I would like for you to come this year." A smile took over Amber's face as she told mom she would attend.

I could still feel my dad's stare and I looked up and met his eyes. He nodded his head toward the kitchen and I got up and followed him knowing he wants to talk in private. When we got to the kitchen he asked Javier for some privacy and sat on a stool and waited for me to start speaking but I remained silent just looking at him.

"Who is she?" he asked after a long pause.


"Don't bullshit me son, I know you better than you know your self!"

"I don't know what  you're talking about dad"

"I wanna know who f*ck is the hoe you've been going around sticking your dick into? You might have your mom and Amber fooled but you can never fool me Leon. You are my son"

"Dad I-"

"Lie to me one more time Leon and I swear I will punch you" I gave a deep sigh giving up. I can never lie to my pops, he knows me too well. Sometimes I think he was in this same position before but I never asked him.

"First of all she is not a hoe, and her name is Victoria Lockhart." I whispered

"Vicki? This can't be the same Vicki you used to go on about from high school?"

"Yes" I answered looking at my feet. At the moment I felt like a child being scolded by my dad. Dad held his head and slouched at my response. He knew this was serious now. He knew about Vicki and how I felt about her from way back. He always encouraged me to talk to her but I was never man enough to do it.

"She came looking for a job and I just couldn't let her go dad. I let her go once, I couldn't do it a second time when fate was giving me a second chance."

"You have a fiance'!" My dad whisper yelled. He was mad. "How could you do this the one girl you claimed to love. How would you think she would feel if she found out you've been lying to her all along. You are messing with that girl's trust Leon. You need to end it.!"

"How could I just end it dad? I feel more in-love with her than I ever was before. She means everything to me. I can't let her go. I need her."

"Then you need to end things with Amber"

"How? Her parents already expect a wedding soon and so does mom I can't disappoint her like that, she already told all her friends. Plus I'm doing this for the company dad."

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