Chapter 18

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Vicki's POV

Leon was not kidding. The following day, I woke up around 12 noon and could barely move my limbs. I felt drained, tired and sore. The ache in my throat made it extremely hard to swallow. I was beyond beat. Leon was no where to be seen when I had woken up but there was breakfast on the nearby coffee table along with a little note.

I limped my way to the bathroom and took a nice warm shower and brushed my teeth. I wore one of Leon's big shirts as I don't have any clothes here and he destroyed those that I wore yesterday. Thoughts of the events that transpired yesterday flooded my mind making me smile despite the ache between my legs at the moment. I think I might've  enjoyed his rough dominant side a bit too much if you asked me but I would never admit that out loud.

I made my way over to the breakfast that was most likely prepared by his cook and removed the covers from the plates. There on the table in-front of me was a bowl of fresh fruit salad, pancakes with syrup and one hard boiled egg. I gobbled the fruit salad and pancakes and left the egg. The scent of it made me nauseous so I didn't even attempt to try it. I guess it was spoiled, I would have to tell him about that later.

I walked around the massive house looking for him. I even found the kitchen before I found him. There I met an adorable french man by the name of Javier and I stayed and chat with him a bit. He was very friendly and funny as hell, he even tried to teach me a few french words when I told him how much I loved his accent. Eventually he began teasing me about all the screaming he had heard from my sex-capades when he came in and the limp he noticed in my walk. He even went on to  tell me that anyone within a 10 mile radius could've heard us going at it. Which also means that the maids heard us when they came in early this morning as well. I was so embarrassed that I opted to change the subject. Javier laughed at my feeble attempt before changing the course of the conversation to give me some peace of mind. I am not certain of how long I stayed in his company  but before I knew it I felt two warm strong arms encircled my waist from behind and felt Leon biting my earlobe.

"What you doing down here babe?" He asked holding me tightly to him and rocking us side to side.

"I came looking for you but your house is too big."

"That's not the only thing I own that's big" he whispered lowly in my ear so Javier wouldn't hear and I smacked him playfully in the stomach. He flinch and let out a small chuckle.

"I was in the study" he smiled and picked me up from where I sat on a stool by the island.

"We'll be in my room Javier" he told the chef over his shoulder and carried me bridal style back up to his room and deposited me on his bed then coming to hover over me.

"No." I tried pushing him away. "I'm still sore" I whined.

"I know, but apparently you're not sore enough if you could walk down all those stairs to have a chat with my cook." I laughed and I rolled out of his embrace.

"You're evil, you know that?" I asked.

"So I've heard" he said proudly and I smacked him.

Javier then rang the intercom in the bedroom and Leon picked up and spoke to him a bit in french, I had no idea what they were saying. I didn't even know Leon spoke french. All I knew was that it was sexy as hell and I was getting a little aroused by his french tongue. I'm impressed. After hanging up he came back to me and laid his head in my stomach and kissed my belly button.

"You don't like eggs?" he asked kissing my belly button then sticking his tongue inside tickling me.

"Yes, I normally do, but the one that Javier left for me this morning smelled funny and it made me sick." I said and Leon froze.

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