Chapter 22

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Vicki's POV

"What are you talking about?" I asked Mark with tears in my eyes.

"Take a look for yourself" he said pointing at the police station. We made our way inside and the sight before me broke my heart. Leon was sitting in a cell in handcuffs with his head lowered while the guy I was dancing with held an ice pack on his badly bruised face. What have I done? I ran to the cell Leon was sitting in and ignoring the cops calling after me. Tears flowed down my cheeks freely now.

"You bastard! What have you done?!" I screamed at him.

"You weren't answering my calls. I thought you had left with him." He said sadly.

"You idiot, you really think I would do that to you?"

"You danced with him Vicki. Right in front of me. How do I Know you wont do more behind my back?!"

"Because you know me Leon! I promised I would never leave you remember? Don't you know how I feel about you as yet? I'm yours Leon, only yours." I couldn't stop the tears from running down my cheeks. Mark pulled me to his shoulder to comfort me as I sobbed harder. Maya rubbed my back comfortingly.

A throat cleared behind us and I was shocked when I saw a man who looked like an older version of Leon behind us. He had an authoritative aura about him. Mark greeted him and he said a few words to the police officer who then released Leon from that cage. I ran and embraced him, not caring who sees or not. He held me tightly to his chest and placed a passionate kiss to my lips. He kissed me as if he hasn't seen me in years and I kissed him back just the same. I missed him so much.

"I missed you baby, so much" He said against my lips. One hand drying my tears.

"Then why didn't you visit me? I looked for you everyday. I was mad at you and that's why I did what I did"

'I'm sorry baby, I wasn't feeling well that's all" I was about to kiss him again when I saw a bruise on his temple that I never saw before. It's not a fresh bruise so he couldn't have gotten it tonight.

"What happened here?" I asked pointing at the bruise.

"The guy you danced with throw a mean punch." He tried to play it off as a joke. Have I ever mentioned this before? I absolutely HATE LIES! And right now, I am extremely disappointed in Leon. I pulled myself from his embrace and he tried to pull me back.

"Do I really look like that much of a fool to you?" I asked him. "Is there something you are not telling me?"

'What are you talking about Vic?"

"Don't lie to me Leon, there is nothing I hate more in this world than Liars. You can say you don't wanna talk about it but just..... don't lie to me, please." He looked taken aback at my seriousness and opened his mouth to respond but nothing came. His dad made his way back to us then.

"Hi. I'm Leonardo Walters, Leon's dad"

"I'm Victoria Lockhart but you can call me Vicki" I shook his hand.

"Oh, I know who you are. I couldn't stop hearing about you for ye-" Leon shoved his father as a way of telling him to be quiet.

I gave him a polite smile and made my way back to the car. I was still mad at Leon. I can't believe he would lie to me like that. It makes me wonder if he has lied to me before. Maya joined me in the car shortly after. Mark was outside talking with Leon and his dad still. They looked to be in an important conversation. What ever his dad and Mark were scolding him about made him Leon turn his head in our direction then hung his head in shame. Serves him right.

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