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Vicki's POV

Today is my very own wedding day. Who would've thought I would be marrying the man of my dreams after all We had been through. Yet here I am at this altar with tears in my eyes as I vow to love him unconditionally.

After what happened at Maya's wedding rehearsal I had to break it off with Keith. I admitted everything and apologize for hurting him like I did. He ignored me for months after that and that hurt like a bitch. I had lost my best friend once again. Turns out, he had distanced himself from me because he was unable to get the image of Leon 'pounding me' from his mind. Yup, you heard me right. Keith was the one that saw us that night. He had notice I'd been missing from the dinner table and wanted to make sure I was okay. Thank God Lea wasn't with him at that moment or that would have been awkward.

When I had got back from cleaning up in the restroom I was shocked to see Leanna sitting on Leon's lap while playing 'peek a boo'. She was laughing loudly and having the time of her life even though she had no idea who he was. I was afraid of telling her who he was at first but eventually Leon took me from my misery by telling her himself. She got overly excited and started telling every one she saw that Leon was her daddy which of course made the cocky bastard proud.

Could you believe though? That son of a bitch got me pregnant. Again. I was about to bust a cap in his ass when his mom started telling me I was just about as responsible as he was. Argh! Way to kill a vibe. The Good thing  about it though was that Maya and Mark were expecting as well. We both have birth to beautiful boys but Leon kept telling Mark that our son, Leo was more handsome and that he got his good looks from his dad.

 We both have birth to beautiful boys but Leon kept telling Mark that our son, Leo was more handsome and that he got his good looks from his dad

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Don't blame me for that name. Leon started it! He wanted to have his name in everything. We eventually had to flip a coin for it and as you can tell, he won. I wanted my baby boy to be named Ethan, but that is his middle name. Maya named her son Luca and we all agreed it was cuter than Leo. All of us excluding Leon of course. He thinks we are haters. Cue eye roll.

I let my eyes wander the audience once again. I was extremely nervous but as I stared into my son's blue eyes (Picture Leo with blue eyes) I gained confidence I never even knew I had. He was seated beside Maya, Mark , Luca and Lea. He looked so much like Leon that it was a bit scary. I love both of my kids so much. They were the best gifts that Leon could've given to me and I love them more than life itself.

"Leon, I love you. You have always been there for me even when I have clearly been a pain in the ass . You've made me feel more loved than I could have ever thought was possible. Today, before everyone gathered here, I vow to love you for as long as we both shall live. I promise to remain faithful to you."
"You'd better" Leon grumbled causing me and  the audience to laugh.  "I give you all that I am and all that I have. Just as I give you my hand today, I give you my heart, my faith, my life. I chose you today and I would choose you again tomorrow. I would go on choosing you the day after, and every day for the rest of our lives. You are my once in a lifetime. I love you."  I finished and watched as a grin broke out on Leon's face as he too sited his vows.

"Victoria, I have been in love with you since the first day I saw you and I would be in love with you for the rest of my life. You have always been my strength, my weakness and my everything. You've put a smile on my face since the first day you walked into my life. You have given me the most beautiful children this world has to offer and for that I'm thankful.  I promise to love you without reservation, I promise to comfort you in times of distress, I promise to encourage you to achieve your goals, laugh with you and cry with you. I promise to grow with you in mind and spirit and always be open and honest with you.  I will listen when you want to talk and take you in my arms when you need to be held. I will love you for who you are and help you to become all that you can be. I pledge to remain your companion and friend no matter how many curve balls life throws our way. I promise to be always yours and only yours for as long as we shall live. I love you Vicki, Forever and always." Leon ended and the tears were streaming down my eyes before I can stop them. I'm sure I looked like a raccoon by now but Leon was looking at me as if I was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen. I could barely contain my happiness at this moment.

The minister announced that we should exchange our rings and little Leo marched up to the altar and handed over our rings. "I now pronounce you man and wife" the officiator began but never got to finish as Leon placed his lips on mine abruptly. He held me tightly and kissed me deeply as the audience erupted in cheers. Camera flashes were going off everywhere but Leon didn't care.

"You're officially mine baby" he whispered as he released my lips. "Eww" the kids said in unison while covering their eyes from us. Leon picked me up bridal style and shouted "Wedding is over people. It's time for me to enjoy my new wife" the crowd laughed again but ignored his desperate antics.

"You do know I'm on my period right?" I whispered in his ears teasing him when we made it to the reception. 

"Does it look like I care? I'm taking you tonight whether you like it or not." I laughed and shoved him from me and went to greet the guests. Our parents congratulated us and a few people from Leon's office congratulated us as well.

"Should I be expecting another grand baby soon?" Leon's dad asked me and I stare at him in shock only to see that he was teasing me.

"Haha, very funny, but there won't be anymore grand babies so enjoy those two while you can." I told him and watched as he smiled at his grandson. It was obvious he was Leo's biggest fan.

"One more won't hurt" He told me and I laughed loudly.

"I think I fully understand why Jackie stopped after 1" I told him and he guffawed.

Leon came over to us with a glass of champagne. "Tryna get me drunk already Mr. Walters?" I teased and he gave me a cute smile. "Maybe"

"Still not happening" I told him and left him to talk with his dad. I made my way over to Maya and she wrapped me in a tight hug. "Congratulations sweetie" she says loudly and I signaled at Mark to come and take her from me. I think she had one too many champagne glasses. 

The remainder of the night we danced around and joked around and had a wonderful time. Even little Leo seemed to have found himself a girlfriend. They grow up so fast.

At the bouquet toss, Leanna caught the bouquet and Leon grabbed it from her hands quickly and tossed it again only for one of his cousins to catch it.

After the ceremony, we went back to the house and collected our luggage to go to our honey moon. The kids were staying with Leon's mom until we got back from travelling.

 Leon had  scheduled our honey moon in Figi  and I hardly got sight of the place. Leon was extremely happy to find that I was not only not on my period but I had gotten a sexy lingerie for him as well. He did ravish me that evening, and the next, and the next, and the next. I could barely walk after he was finished and he still wanted more.

He was not afraid to show how much he wanted me and told me how much he loved me every chance he got.

"I love you Mrs Walters" he whispered in my ear as we stood on the top of a high building admiring the skylight.

'I love you too Mr Walters" I responded while blushing.

"Forever and Always" he says kissing my neck.

"Forever and Always" I turned and placed a loving kiss on his lips.



Okay guys. You have officially reached the end of 'It's Always Been You'  by @Yeoliebae_. Thanks for reading and be sure to follow me for more updates and new releases on books. Once again Thanks For Reading. Good Bye!

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