Chapter 31

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Vicki's POV

I couldn't sleep. I felt so horrible. I knew he would be angry but his reaction still took me by surprise. I had been crying for the past few hours and I know my face would look extremely swollen right now but I don't care. I had called and  messaged Leon many times but he never responded. The clock on my night stand read 12:30 AM but I really need to hear Leon's voice right now, I won't be able to sleep until he forgives me. I tried calling him one more time and he still refused to answer.

Knowing I won't be getting any sleep tonight if I stayed here, I got up and packed an over night bag. I called a cab and made my way to Leon's house. Now that I think of it, I had only been here once. I really don't get why he prefers my house to his. This man's house is everything mine isn't.

The taxi man soon arrived and I thanked him and made my way up the extremely long drive way. Rich people and their extravagance. I rang the door bell and after a few minutes one of the maids opened the door. She seemed shocked to see me and kept looking over her shoulder.

"Is Mr Walters expecting you Miss?" I shook my head no and she looked over her shoulder one more time before ushering me inside quickly and up to Leon's room. When I opened the bedroom door, I saw Leon sitting on the bed with his laptop on his lap as he types away on the keyboard. I closed the door softly behind me and took in his shirtless torso. His abs were screaming for attention and his muscles were calling my name. He wasn't even doing anything and I was already getting aroused. These Damn hormones. He licked his lips and scratched his neck and I almost moaned out loud.

He hasn't looked up from his laptop since I came in and I could bet my entire life savings that he didn't hear me come in. I decided to call his phone one more time. I watched as he checked the caller ID before tossing the phone on the side of the bed. Ouch! That actually hurts. I knew that that was what he was doing all night but somehow seeing him do it hurts a bit more.

I walked further into the room and placed my over night bag on the couch and removed my coat. I was still wearing my sleep clothes underneath so I just made my way to his bed and reached for the laptop from his arms.

"Amber not right-" he started and paused upon seeing me looking at him confused. His jaw clenched and he turned his head in the opposite direction.

"Leon, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hide it from you. I just didn't know how to tell you. At first I thought you would leave me because we had never spoke about kids or anything and Keith was there..." I stopped unable to finish. "Just please don't be mad at me."

"Baby I'm not mad that you kept it from me, I'm mad that you confided in another man. Why was it so easy for you to tell him you were pregnant and not me? Why would you take him to see my baby before me? I'm the one that got you pregnant Vic, not him. Don't you think I deserved to be the first person to know?" I shook my head. He was right. I felt awful. "Baby I thought you trusted me. I thought you would be able to tell me anything. Was it all just in my head? Am I that scary to you?"

Tears flood my cheeks as I looked into his sad depressed eyes. "I'm really sorry Leon. Please."I begged.

"Why are you afraid of me Vicki? Have I ever done anything to hurt you?" I shook my head no.

"Then why do you act this way around me?"

"I'm sorry okay. I won't ever confide in another man again, I'll always come to you no matter what. Just please say you forgive me." He paused deep in thought. After a while he spoke again.

"I forgive you baby." He said softly and pulled me into his arms. I held him tight and sobbed in his shoulder.

"How did you get here?" he asked after my sobs ceased.

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