Chapter 10

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*Picture above was the inspiration for Kyle's party outfit*

Kyle's POV

Man, today has been crummy. I had high hopes of flirting with Tweek at his work today but he was acting really odd. It's like all of our constant texting didn't happen and he was treating me like a total stranger. He wasn't super busy with other customers. It was just me and his frien- wait, when I entered the shop everyone was silent and didn't want to talk to me. Do those guys hate me because I beat them at basketball? The tall one seems to dislike me the most. Probably because I kept stealing the ball from him and made all of those three pointers. A smile crept onto my face with a light chuckle. That was my best game I've ever played. Knowing Tweek was watching me gave me more confidence in my shots and almost every one went in.

"Bubbie, it's time to get ready. Your father and I are waiting on you. Ike is dressed already." I made my way over to my closet to bring out my fanciest clothes that I own. "Ok ma, give me five minutes". These clothes consisted of dark green slacks with a matching blazer, an orange long sleeve button up shirt, and my most expensive brown dress shoes. I also throw in a clip-on bow tie for fun. I grab my phone as I check my outfit in the mirror and can't help but think this look screams prom. "Eh, not today but ma will definitely approve this look for tonight's party".

I meet my family that's been waiting in the living room and my mom gasps. "Oh my, Kyle you look so handsome! My baby looks so mature" I glance over to Ike with embarasement on my face and see him let out a dramatic 'sigh' from my moms compliments.

Dad seems happy that we can finally leave to go to his work event. He clasps his hands together with his head tilting towards the front door and utters "let's roll family" and we make our way to his car.

As we're sitting in the car I can't help but take in Ike's outfit. The more I stare at him the more I think he looks like a missionary. All that's missing is a nametag and a bagpack. (A bike helmet wouldn't hurt either.) My staring gets thrown off by the 'dun dun' sound of my phone. I unlock my screen to see a text from David.

Hey, don't be mad but I can't make it to the concert next month for my birthday. Heidi has something planned for that day and I don't wanna dissapoint her. Sorry :/

It takes me a while to text back, trying to find the right words to reply with. I can't be mad at David for wanting to spend time with his girlfriend, especially someone as nice as Heidi Turner. I've only met her once but I totally approve of their relationship. She's really caring towards my best friend and is good to him.

It's ok dude, I'm not mad. Can't say I'm not bummed at all about you missing the concert but I'll figure something out.

Thanks man, look on the bright side. You can use this as an opportunity to ask Tweek to go with you ;)

I silently curse myself for telling David that I'm crushing on Tweek but I couldn't get any information about him without David.

Not a bad idea but I already have a vision of where to go on our first date. I still have to ask him out though and hope he says yes.

Right after I text David back the car stops. Mom starts lecturing us (dad included) about behaving and not having our phones out during the party. We both roll our eyes and mutter "yeah, yeah we get it" and dad replies with a simple "yes dear"

I still don't know a lot of people in South Park like the rest of my family. Most of my night consisted of me leaning against a wall snacking on cheese and crackers. I did my best to look like I was engaged in conversation amongst other people. It was very boring and all I could think about was whipping my phone out to do a Sudoku puzzle. I used that Number Puzzle app on a regular basis and was currently on hard- stage 567. My fastest time completing one was under four minutes. Sending a snap to Tweek had also crossed my mind.

Turns out Tweek had the same idea because my phone in my pocket buzzed with a Snapchat message from him. As I pulled my phone out of my pocket I saw his name light up my screen but couldn't reply back. Mom was keeping a close eye on me to make sure I wasn't fiddling with my phone. I kept getting more and more messages from him but everytime my phone buzzed my mom was staring right at me shaking her head. It's almost like she had sonar hearing or something.

I only got one opportunity to check my phone at the party. All of the adults were gathering into a room to do a gift exchange (white elephant). I didn't feel like watching a bunch of grown-ups fighting over the best gift that was brought, especially since my mom got number one. This meant she picked first but also gets to trade her gift with any other gift she wanted at the end of the game. Meaning she pretty much will get the gift that she wants.

As I'm checking all of my messages from Tweek I start to feel relieved and can't help but think how cute it is that he sent so many messages in such a short amount of time.

Hey, sorry about earlier.

My friends don't know that we've been texting over the week and I didn't want them to know.

Not that I'm embarrassed by you or anything. It's just I don't want them to know, you know?

They just see you as this 'hot shot' basketball player from out of town and don't really like you that much....

That doesn't mean I don't like you though.

I like you a lot actually.

That last one was sent five minutes ago and I text him back saying I get it and explain how I couldn't check my phone during my dad's holiday party because of my helicopter mom.

Looks like there's still a chance for that first date after all.

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