Chapter 25

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*Second day back at school from spring break*

Craig's POV

This day of school was over. I was getting ready to get on the school bus for our next game. I turned the Bluetooth on for my headphones and phone to sync them up together. I had a 'Guitar Hero' playlist blaring in my ears. Rock you like a hurricane was what I was listening to at the moment.  (Fun fact, for the longest time I thought the lyrics were HAUNT you like a hurricane. Even though that doesn't make sense and the title is clearly rock you like a hurricane.) At one point everyone was really into the game but I haven't picked up the game guitar since I was in fourth grade. Most of the songs were pretty great and I just recently downloaded the songs on my phone. If that makes me basic, who cares. The past couple days I had been going through the motions of attending school but felt like I wasn't actually accomplishing anything. I couldn't concentrate on any of my surroundings. The past week I had been getting little to no sleep.

*Flashback from last week*

Clyde had come over to my house to hang out. The past few days I had crashed at his house to eat food and play games on his Xbox. We would have been at Token's but he left town to go on vacation with his parents. Every year they go to Hawaii. Lucky ducks. My mom called me today and I was told to come back home to watch over Ruby. Just because she doesn't have any friends doesn't mean I can't invite Clyde over. We were in the middle of playing one of the multiplayer shooting games when my phone dinged. I picked up my phone from the coffee table to see that Kenny had texted me.

Kenny- Hey, guess what loser I just saw at Tweek's Bros?

In my mind it was a toss up between Eric Cartman or Stanley Marsh. Both guys being equally lame. To be funny I was thinking about throwing Clyde's name out there, knowing that he definitely wasn't the person Kenny was referring to. He's been here for the past hour.

Me- Idk, I give up.

Kenny- Gee, you're no fun. It was that Kyle kid from Cross Point.

It's great that Kenny hates him just as much as I do. His team always beating our team got old months ago. Also the smug face he always has plastered on his face is ridiculous.

Me- He doesn't have anything better to do than hang out in our rinky-dink town?

Kenny- First of all, his family lives here remember? Second, turns out he and David have been BFF's for years. Who knew that he had connections to anyone in South Park.

Hold the phone. David... BFF's... Valentine's day.... Tweek!!

Me- David was there with him?

 Kenny- Uh, yeah. I'm pretty David is his only friend. Kyle seems like he's too cool to hang out with anyone else. He doesn't seem super close to anybody from his team either.

Of flipping course it had to be Kyle. Everything is starting to make sense now. That's the reason why Tweek only goes to the away games against Cross Point. That traitor! He's got some nerve thinking it's ok to sleep with the enemy! 

The idea of Kyle being the sole reason behind Tweek's sudden happiness really grinds my gears. I was starting to think that Tweek liked one of the goths. I've been told he's been known to be spotted at their hangout place during lunch time on occasion. I haven't been able to wrap my head around the idea of the two of them being together. I don't care that it's a guy. The problem is Tweek's new love interest was 'this guy'.  That technically used to be my position but not really since our relationship was staged. What will people think when they see Tweek going out with this Mr. 'I-can-do-no-wrong-when-it-comes-to-anything', with his specialty being sport related. Kyle will make me look like a big chump for not appreciating Tweek. 

*End of flashback*

The more I think about, the more I speculate that Kyle doesn't like Tweek at all. Kyle has to be pursuing Tweek just to get a rise out of me and my teammates. No way  Tweek would fall for this guy on his own accord. It's really messed up how Kyle dragged David into this as well. That part doesn't make sense though. Why would both Kyle and David would go out of their way just to give Tweek some silly candy-gram that doesn't mean anything. Unless they wanted me to find out. Why would David not come clean about everything when I asked him who sent the candy-gram? More of them just trying to make me look stupid I guess. 

I've seen this done in movies. The rival from the other school goes after said love interest from the main jocks school just to mess with them. They would have further delayed my realization if it hadn't been for Kenny's text messages about Kyle hanging out at the coffee shop with David. They were probably hoping I would be there so Kyle could act all smug about Tweek liking him. We'll see how the rest of the school reacts to Kyle 'going out' with Tweek. Our team just happens to be playing a game at Kyle's school today. The perfect opportunity to expose and embarrass him in front of his whole team. Tweek has to find out somehow. He won't believe me if I just tell him all of my suspicions. I have to put Kyle on the spot, in front of everyone.

*Time skip to end of the game*

Poor Tweek doesn't know what's coming. During the game I could tell his eyes were constantly on Kyle. He had to put in a lot of effort to hold back his excitement whenever Kyle did a fantastic play or have an awesome hit. Kyle's plan has gone on long enough. After both teams shook hands to say good game twenty times in a row I made a bee-line to Kyle. Shoving him close enough to be in Tweek's ear shot. Here goes nothing.

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