Chapter 10: That's Not Him

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Okay, I'm sorry. I sound like a broken record but whatever. I got back to writing so now I can update again. I'm sorry...

Bandit's POV

The hangover was killing me. I always do this to myself. I got so drunk I don't even remember what happened. I woke up without opening my eyes just yet because my head hurt so bad. I got some relief at least.

I turned over and opened my eyes. I realized I wasn't in my room, I'm in Mike's. His back was to me, he's still asleep. I sat up, the light coming through the shade attacked my eyes causing the pain in my head to get worse.

I looked over at his nightstand and saw a bottle of Tylenol, a water bottle, a lamp, and a clock. It's just after twelve. I grabbed the Tylenol and took two. I don't know why I even take it, it barely helps.

I laid down facing Mike, well Mike's back. I was probably a drunken asshole to him last night. I always act like that when I black out, but who doesn't?

I touched his shoulder and heard him yawn. He turned his head and looked over at me. He turned over, his eyes were tired and his messily dyed hair hung in front of his face. "Morning," I said.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Just a hangover," I answered.

"Do you even remember what happened last night?" He asked, his eyes started to look more awake.

"I remember getting drunk," I answered.

"You were drunk alright, but we all were," He sighed.

"Did I do anything stupid?" I asked.

"No, you were just clumsy and all giggly," he said.

"Okay," I nodded. "How was the show? I was too busy drinking away my problems."

He laughed at my comment then answered, "it was alright. Was unexpected so we didn't sound as good as we should've. We also haven't played together in months."

"You guys should play still but, I heard you and Billie's falling out was more serious than you said," I said.

"Who told you?" He asked quickly, almost sounded worried.

"Adrienne," I replied.

"Oh," he nodded, "she had a front row seat to the whole thing."

"Yeah, and which one of you knocked out my baby Chipmunk?!" I sat up looking down on him.

"It's a long story," he touched my arm.

"I got time, it's Saturday," I shrugged and laid back down.

"Well you know we fought while we were drunk a bunch of times," he started.

"Yes," I said quietly. "Go on..."

"It was just dumb. I was mad he was barely practicing with the band anymore or spending any time with Tré and I. I mean Tré is with Lisea ninety percent of the time but he at least spends time with us still. But anyway we just started arguing over that he would say I'm just jealous he has a girlfriend and I don't all that bullshit. Then we just started throwing punches I guess it's all still pretty blurry," he explained.

"So that just happened multiple times?" I raised my eyebrows in confusion. If that's the case they must've really been drunk to have the same fight over and over.

"Yeah, basically. Stuff added over the weeks until we were dead sober aside from smoking cigarettes and really fought. That's when I accidentally decked Tré," he added.

"Oh my poor Tré," I said, "but continue!"

He loudly exhaled then began, "It was the same argument added with him ignoring you, changing his entire personality, not telling us where he was living, never coming to school, hell he was barely flung to Gilman! And I was also pissed because he started getting into some serious drugs. He's still on them obviously it's only been a few weeks. I know I'm one to drink and smoke shit but he's really in it. Then we just really fought again. Black eye, busted lip, bruised knuckles, all that shit. We rarely talk anymore obviously."

"A: You're doing more than smoking and drinking, you can't fool me. B: What the hell is he on now? And C: I can tell you guys got some serious tension," I stated.

"Okay yes we all do acid, you got me there. But you've done it too! And he's on probably speed, coke, heroine. I don't know for sure but I've caught him with those before and if you look closely at his arm you can see where the needle was because he's using so much. Oh and he's into ecstasy, definitely that one especially last night," he told me.

"Jeez, I know he's always high all the time but I've only ever expected marijuana and alcohol from him," I said still trying to process all that. What the hell happened to him?

"Oh you haven't even heard the best part," he laughed.

"What is it?" I looked at him.

"Adrienne, his girlfriend, doesn't drink, smoke, anything. She hates it. She doesn't mind that he drinks at parties and shit but she doesn't even know what he's using. She's blind to it," he said.

"No shit," my jaw almost dropped.

"He really only talks to her anymore and they live together. She doesn't know shit," he added.

"That's crazy, oh my god," my eyes were still wide. "Where's he getting the money for all this stuff? I can barely afford a damn pack of cigarettes!"

"I have no idea," he shook his head, "and that's because you go through cigarettes like there's no tomorrow."

"True," I shrugged.

"Yeah so now you're all caught up," he said.

"Yeah, I would like to be back in the dark again. I can't believe Billie would use like that. And his girlfriend not knowing... wow," I shook my head still trying to find more words.

"He changed, a lot," he nodded.

"Too much," I sighed.

"I would try to make amends with him but I don't want whatever that is, I want the Billie I know back. I know people change and shit but not in six months or that drastically. I just want my best friend back not whoever that guy is," he looked up at the ceiling.

"Aw Mike," I said.

"What?" He looked back me.

"You actually miss him!" I smiled.

"Don't you? You were his girlfriend after all," he asked.

"Yes, but we that was so sweet," I leaned my head him.

"Well it's the truth. That's not Billie," he sighed.

"I know," I agreed. So I'm not the only one that's all messed up over this.

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