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Bandit's POV

After another show on the American Idiot World Tour I was with the whole bunch backstage. It was surreal seeing My Chemical Romance open up for Green Day and seeing the crowd go crazy for each of them. I knew they would have this, but seeing it is just blew mind blowing.

I was currently leaning on a sweaty, makeup coated Gerard with my oldest son hugging my waist. Tré was wrestling with Mike on the ground. Mikey was on the phone with his girlfriend. Ray trying to wipe some blood off his face. Frank was half asleep on the couch. And Billie was holding our youngest son.

Jakob and Joey always stayed up to watch the shows and then they crashed afterwards. They loved seeing their dad perform. They were already showing a true love for music. Joey always messed around with Tré's drums and Jakob got Billie, Jason, Ray, and Frank helping him with guitar. I wish I had such a variety of guitar teachers like that.

If you told me 15 years ago that Green Day and My Chemical Romance would've blown up to be rock gods, I would've believed it. I never doubted their bands, I knew they would rule the world. But if you told me 15 years ago that I would be married to Billie with the two most amazing boys, I would've laughed and said "in my dreams."

I had hope for Billie and me to have a future but I never thought it would actually happen. I never thought I would get out of my family's shitty lifestyle. I never thought I'd make it to thirty-three. But, I guess I got lucky.

"Mom," Joey whined.

"What's up cutie?" I looked down at him.

"Can we go back to the bus?" He asked.

"Yeah," I nodded. I looked to Gerard, "I'll see ya tomorrow."

"Night BeeDee," he kissed my head, "and good night Joey," he ruffled Joey's hair.

"Good night Uncle Gee," Joey smiled at him. Joey and I started to leave, Billie ended up following us.

"Ready for bed Jakob?" I looked at Jakob who half asleep in Billie's arms.

"Mhmm," he nodded. We walked onto the bus and brought the boys to their bunks. I had to basically drag them into the bathroom to brush their teeth but they did it and then passed right out in those tiny bunks. I definitely miss my nice big bed in our house, but I can't complain too much, seeing the misfits and Jersey boys play every night makes it worth it.

Once we got off the bus Billie grabbed my waist and kissed me deeply. "You sweaty shit," I laughed when we broke the kiss.

"You should be used to it by now," he laughed.

"I am, I just like busting your chops," I replied.

"Of course," he rolled his green eyes that looked exceptionally big and bright due to the thick eyeliner around them.

"You did great, as usual," I told him.

"These crowds... they're just amazing," he sighed.

"They love you and My Chem, you guys are a badass show by the way. Seeing you guys back to back... holy shit I love it," I grinned.

"Knowing that we both made it is pretty badass in my opinion," he added.

"I told you! I told you that you would draw crowds like Ziggy Stardust!"

"You did," he smiled. "Even though you're not actually in the band, I don't think we would've made it without you. You motivated me through this and you do everyday."

"I'm glad I could, because famous or not, I can't live without your music."

He pulled me into a hug, "well I can't live without you."

"I love you Billie," I smiled.

"I love you Bandit," he pulled back from the hug and kissed me.

~From My Journal~

And that was the whole ride. Our tragedies, our disaster, our fuck ups.

I don't know how I got so lucky to meet these boys or how lucky I was to be with someone like Billie. Even though he fucked up big time, we resolved it. And look at us, high school fucking sweethearts, how the fuck did that happen?!

The three misfits are the greatest thing to have ever happened to me. I have two amazing best friends and the most amazing husband who gave me my kids, and my kids actually take the misfits spot in being the greatest thing to ever happen to me.

This was what happens when four psychos meet. This was what happens when disasters turn into lovers. This was what happens when teenagers live. This was what punk teenagers were before they're Rock And Roll Hall Of Famers. This was what happens before a girl escapes hell.

We had a pretty wild journey, and I don't think I could've experienced anything like it with anyone else and I will always be thankful that I ran into Tré on those train tracks and became apart of their gang the night we met.
Ahhhh! I did it! It's finished! I started this my freshman year and here I am a junior, stuck in quarantine, finally getting my lazy butt to finish it! (Why am I tearing up? The ending wasn't even sad.)

But anyways, what do you do when you finish a fanfic that you took years to write, YOU START A NEW ONE! I'm not sure if I'm gonna publish it because writing is just something to keep my mind off the current world and lack there of. If I do end up publishing it (I probably will knowing me) it's called Remember, Whatever and it's a Whatsername style BJA fic. So keep a look out for it!

This was definitely great to write and I hope y'all enjoyed it. I'm sad it's over but also I think this was getting too long. Again, I really hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Thank you so much for reading the story and this A/N!

Love you guys!!!!!!!!<3<3<3<3<3<3

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