Chapter 19: It's Been A While

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Billie's POV
Thursday afternoon

I drove to Tré's with Adrienne. I grabbed my guitar from the trunk and knocked on the door. I've been trying to hang out with Tré less since Bandit told me he doesn't really care for me anymore.

"Sup Billo," Tré said opening the door.

"Hey Tré," I said.

"Come on in love birds, party's downstairs," he let us in and we all went into the basement. Lisea and Bandit were sitting in the old couch talking about something and Mike was standing in front of his mic stand playing random notes on his bass.

"Finally," Mike looked up at me.

"Sorry," I said and took my guitar out of the case. I plugged it in to the amp and made sure it was in tune. "We ready?" I asked.

"Yeah," Mike said.

"You bet!" Tré grinned. "The Judge's Daughter!" He said then began busting out the beat then Mike and I began play.

"Princess in a school girl's dream may I please speak with you..."


So far we've played: The Judge's Daughter, 16, At The Library, Disappearing Boy, Green Day, 409 In Your Coffee Maker, and Why Do You Want Him?

"You and Mike need to get your harmonies straight," Bandit commented.

"Love you too," Mike said into the mic. Love? Shut up feelings.

"Yeah, you went from a fan to a critic real fast," I added.

"Consider it constructive criticism," she nodded.

"Eh, better," Mike shrugged.

"I agree with her your voices aren't matching up as well as they did a while ago," Adrienne added.

"Well that's something to work on," I turned to Mike.

"Yeah, we should do some acoustic stuff later so we can really pay attention to what we're singing," he agreed.

"Well you lovely ladies," Tré began, "we're gonna be writing stuff now since we went through most of our shit so upstairs you go."

"Aww," the three said in unison.

"When we're done you can hear it," Tré went over to Lisea and kissed her cheek. Then the three girls went up the stairs, I bet they'll eat all of Tré's ice cream if they find it.

"Okay now what do you got for us!" Mike said.

"Uh," I went over to my guitar case and grabbed my journal.

"Damn you've really been filling that up," Mike commented.

"I guess so," I flipped through it.

"Uh well here's this one. It's called Don't Leave Me. I wrote it quite a while ago so I was able to get some work with my electric on it but obviously I don't have a bass or a kit," I explained.

"Let's see," Mike said and the two came over to me reading the lyrics over my shoulder.

"I changed the second verse the other night," I said.

"I like it," Mike nodded.

"Short chorus, what're you gonna do with it?" Tré asked.

"I was thinking like extending the notes in it so it's longer and then having harmonies to add color to it," I told them.

"Well you've really thought about this," Mike laughed. "Let's get some real music behind this!"

We will back on the couch and began thinking and throwing chords and beats back and forth. It turns out the chords I originally thought for it suck. It took us a while to just get a bass line for it and part of a riff. We gave up and decided to go back to it another time.

We began pulling songs from my journal and fixing or adding music to random parts. Thankfully they didn't question any of the meanings behind some of these. Some of the meanings were sadly obvious and some weren't but it was pretty embarrassing. It's not like their my best friends anymore.

"Chipmunk," I heard Bandit from the top of the stairs.

"Bandita!" He yelled.

"Lisea has to go home, come say goodbye," she said.

"I'm coming," Tré stood up then ran up the stairs.

"So how's your relationship with Bandit?" I asked.

"Great," Mike nodded.

"That's good," I said.

"How's Adrienne?" He returned.

"Great," I answered. This is the most awkward conversation I've ever had with Mike in my fucking life.

"You two look dead inside," I heard Bandit's voice and I looked up and saw her standing in front of us.

"Pretty accurate," I said.

"What're you guys even doing?" She sat down next me looking at my journal. The journal she got me.

"Putting music to a bunch of songs," Mike said.

"You really wrote a lot, wow," she said she leaned on me looking at my journal.

"Well it's been seven months since you've read any of my lyrics," I said.

"True, anyway I'll stop invading your band practice. I'll be upstairs with Adrienne. Hopefully Tré and Lisea stop kissing soon," she rolled her eyes. She kissed Mike's cheek and ruffled my hair.

"So you two are friends," Mike said once she went upstairs. Okay she acts like she hates me some days and others we're okay... what the hell.

"More like allies," I said.

"What?" He asked.

"She won't be fully friends with me so she said we can be allies," I sighed trying to explain the mind of Bandit Dean Coleson.

"Sounds like her," he nodded. "So how's Gerard?"

"What? Ask Bandit that question," I said.

"I know you guys have been talking on the phone about shit," he said.

"Occasionally, he mostly calls me to tell me how stupid I am or yell at me," I told him.

"That is amazing," he laughed.

"Very Gerard," I nodded.

"Okay I'm back," Tré hopped back on the couch next to me. We continued messing around with songs or playing old ones.

I missed having band practice and hanging out with them. There's still an elephant in the room. The elephant is tension pretty much. I know they basically hate me and I'm not to fond of them. It's almost like we want things to be the way they used to be but too much has changed.

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