Chapter 18: The Happy Couples

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Quick a/n
I have literally abandoned this book and I'm so sorry! I'm gonna try to write as much as I possibly can and start updating again!
Billie's POV

I haven't talked to Bandit or Mike in about a week. I'll probably talk to Mike this Thursday at Tré's. I still can't fathom that they're together. I see them around since the town is so small so I have to believe it.

I've been fixing up some songs in my journal so Mike and Tré can help me put music behind it. I only have acoustic behind it, we need a drum beat, bass line, riff, chord progression, etc.

I've been writing a lot I just haven't been able to show off my songs to my friends. Some of these songs I don't know if I should show Adrienne, she won't understand some of it. But if she comes to band practice she'll hear them.

Some of these songs I've had since July. Some of these I've had for a week. I write whenever I get the chance because it's the only way I can really express my feelings anymore. Can't speak my feelings so write them down and put chords behind it, boom masterpiece.

"What're you doing?" Adrienne interrupted my thoughts. She leaned on my shoulder and held onto my arm.

"Fixing up some songs," I answered.

"You've been writing a lot lately," she smiled.

"Well I've had a lot of inspiration," I looked down at her.

"Oh really?" She asked sitting up and kissed me. I shut my journal and threw it on the floor. I pulled her on my lap and continued kissing her.

Bandit's POV

Mike and I sat in my room eating spaghetti and doing homework. March, the middle of the year, absolute hell!

"Do not get sauce on my bed," I warned him.

"No promises," he laughed.

"God help me," I sighed and continued reading Hamlet for English since we have quiz on Act 2 tomorrow. Mike was doing a huge packet for chemistry. I took that course last year and the work load was beyond me.

After we finished eating we set the two dishes on my desk. Then I continued taking notes on play and he continued sighing over every question. "I give up," Mike said.

"Good luck when you get yelled at for not finishing your homework," I looked up at him.

"I don't care," he shut his binder and threw it on the floor. "My brain in fried."

"Me too, I've read this in class, now on my own and now I'm trying to memorize shit," I told him.

"I'm so glad I'm in normal people English," he laughed.

"Ha ha," I said sarcastically. "Oh I forgot to tell us been forever, James and Al know our relationship is fake."

"Al is too damn smart," he said.

"He's a normal person, our friends are just stupid," I corrected.

"Very true, because we are horrible actors," he nodded.

"I know," I laughed. "I told Gerard what happened, he couldn't stop laughing."

"It was hard to not laugh in that situation," he agreed.

"And when Billie came to talk to us, I kinda felt bad," I said.

"I felt bad when I saw Chelsea's face later that night," he nodded. "We're jerks!"

"No, they had it coming," I shook my head.

"Facts," He said. "So are you coming to band practice later this week?"

"Band practice? When?" My eyes widened.

"Yeah Billie and I barely talked about it then Tré said 'okay come over Thursday we need to at least play well'," he explained.

"That's good, I need some new songs," I grinned.

"I wonder what he's been writing lately," he said.

"Probably all about his girlfriend," I answered.

"Yeah," he agreed.

"I kinda feel bad for her. She's really nice and he's just lying about what he's doing," I sighed.

"I know, she seems like she'd be understanding and willing to help him," he added.

"Exactly!" I exclaimed.

"Well, we just have to trust Gerard and hope it just works out," he said.

"Yeah," I sighed. "Anyway, we need to finish our work but I'm voting we go eat ice cream then finish."

"Sounds good," he got up and carried the dishes downstairs while I grabbed the ice cream and the spoons.

"Yes! Brand new carton! No freezer burn!" I jumped like a little kid.

"Delicious," he grabbed a spoon from my hand and we polished off the whole half gallon.

Just as we were about to go back upstairs the damn phone rang. I jumped up on the counter and grabbed. "Gee!" I said. I hope it's him.

"BeeDee!" He returned.

"How's my boy?" I asked.

"Waiting for updates, start talking," he said.

"Well not much has happened since last Saturday really. Mike and I have kept up our act with our horrible acting skills. We tend to make ourselves seem by Chelsea and Billie every chance we get," I explained.

"The most dumbest, immature, yet hilarious and amazing thing ever," he told me.

"I know it's so stupid but it's so funny," I agreed. "But anyway can I call you later or tomorrow we got a shit load of homework left to do."

"Good luck with that," he laughed, "Yeah call me when your done or when your boyfriend leaves."

"Okay, Love you," I said.

"Love you more!" He replied.

"Highly doubt it!" I returned.

"Byeee!" We said in unison then I hung up the phone.

"You two are so weird," Mike said.

"Have you seen us lately?" I retorted.

"True," he shrugged, "Okay let's go drown in paper!"

"Lovely," I smiled sarcastically. Only a few more months left of homework and this house then holy freedom!

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