Chapter 14: They Speak

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Bandit's POV
A few weeks later

Emptiness. That's all I get lately. I'm lonely and bored. I'm tired of being bored. I stood on the beach smoking, alone. I felt bad for ditching Mike but he'll get over it, it's just one day.

I was slouched over with my arm leaning on my hip. I was in a tank top and shorts, I thought it was hot out but once I reached the beach the wind froze me over.

I heard a car pull up. That's my signal to leave! I turned around and began walking. I saw Billie. I started to walk faster. I have to pass him and ignore him. I walked towards his car near the road. "Bandit?" He said.

"Hi Billie," I wanted to keep walking. Keep walking.

"Aren't you cold?" He asked.

"Yes, that's why I'm leaving," I said. I'm freezing!

"Okay," he shrugged and sat on the hood of his car with a cigarette in his hand. "Dammit, I know you're on a mission or some shit but do you have a lighter?"

"When do I not?" I rolled my eyes and approached him.

"Thanks," he said as I handed him the small metal brick. He flicked open the lid and lit his cigarette then gave it back to me. "I'm sorry about last month."

"For what?" I asked trying not to laugh sarcastically. I tapped my foot to prevent myself from shivering.

"When we talked at the party, I don't really remember... but I was jerk and I'm sorry," he said.

"If you don't remember then how do you know if you were a jerk?" I rolled my eyes.

"You hate me," he shrugged. "I know you hate me for more reasons but I wanted to apologize for that."

"I don't hate you," I said. I highly dislike him.

"You sure about that?" He asked.

"Yeah, I would know," I laughed.

"Do you want a ride home? Your lips are turning blue," he changed the subject.

"I was leaving to find a warmer place not my house," I said.

"So no?" He asked.

"Correct," I nodded. "And you're forgiven I guess, for that singular thing."

"I'm getting somewhere," he smiled.

"Eh," I said. I folded my arms and felt my leg continuously shaking.

"You wanna sit in the car or something?" He asked laughing at me.

Yes. No! No! No... screw it I'm cold! "Yeah," I gave in. He got in the drivers seat and I got in the passenger seat. He turned on the engine and turned up the heat. "Thanks," I said.

"No problem," he said. I looked over at him.

"Why'd you change your hair?" I asked randomly.

"I don't know. I ran out of black dye and I thought I'd give blonde a try," he shrugged.

"What's even your natural color?" I laughed.

"I'm a ginger," he laughed.

"Wow, I would love to see that," I said. After that we sat in silence. It was nice, I was with Billie, Billie as in the person I know.

Billie put in a cassette. I didn't know what it was until it started playing. Five Years came on. The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust...

"You got it on cassette," I said.

"Couldn't resist," he returned, "I miss you."

I looked over at him and saw him looking at me. "I miss you too... but Billie, I miss you not the person you are now. You've changed so much I can't even wrap my head around it."

"I'm sorry," he bowed his head.

"Why?" I said. "Why are you doing this?" I need to know. It's messing my life up. He messed my life up.

"I uh..." he sighed, "I wish I knew."

"How do you not know?" I questioned.

"I don't know. I don't even know what I'm doing anymore," he said.

"I'm never going to understand this," I turned away from him. Why can't he just tell me? Tell me and this can all be cleared up!

"I never thought I'd understand you. Then I found things out as I got to know you and I figured you're... problem out," he retorted.

"We had completely different issues," I sighed. "For all I know you're high right now."

"I'm actually not," he said. I laughed at that. That's actually fucking hilarious Billie! Wow!

"That's a new one," I said after my snarky laugh left my lips.

"I just don't feel like myself and I'm numbing it all out. Y'know? It's a lot easier then trying to figure shit out I guess," he explained.

"Well there's your reason! You could've said that in the first place!" I looked back at him. "Billie you can talk to me, I mean have you met me? I know how it feels."

"I don't wanna talk about it," he sighed.

"Why not? You're only screwing yourself over. I'm stuck with ugly scars up my right arm for the rest of my life. Don't get stuck with an addiction problem," I said. I need to tell Mike. He can help.

He looked at his hands. I leaned forward intently looking at him, like it would help any. "Why don't you talk to Adrienne at all?" I said softly.

"She'll leave if she finds out what I've been doing. She doesn't really like the idea of drugs or me lying, I can't blame her at all. Honestly I would kick me out if I found out what I was doing," he explained.

"You really like this girl, huh?" I asked.

"I do," he nodded.

"Well, you've found someone, that's good. If she loves you she'll understand why you were hiding all of this. I'm sure she will understand, every time I see you guys she always looks so happy when she's with you," I put my hand on his shoulder.

"You're probably right, you usually are," he said.

"Oh I know," I smiled.

He turned and looked at me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. I miss him. I do. I could stay right here forever. I shut my eyes and I felt him rest his chin on my shoulder.

I need to get over him. He's with someone else. He doesn't care about you anymore Bandit. You're just a friend and we don't even have a good friendship.

I pulled back from the hug. "I'm gonna go now," I said.

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yeah," I nodded, "friends?" I held out my hand.

"Friends," He agreed and shook my hand.

"I'll see you around," I got out of the car.

"Bye," he waved.

I began walking down the block. The chilliness didn't bother me, I was too busy crying. The tears just fell the instant I walked away. I've never felt so damn stupid in my life.

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