Chapter 31: Therapy

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So plenty of time jumps coming, not gonna lie. I'm sorry for jumping around but I don't really wanna beat around the bush anymore. I've put all these characters through enough. So, this is gonna be about 40 chapters (I don't know if it'll be more or less than 40 yet but that's my estimation) enjoy!!!!

Billie's POV
Next week

I've been in here for over a week and I'm ready to go the fuck home. Wherever home is. Tré's probably.

I feel like absolute shit all day everyday and for the past few days, getting out of this uncomfortable bed has been the hardest thing in the world. But today I had to see my counselor so I had to get up.

It was the same old shit in the beginning, my family. All we really talked about was my fucked up family, that is until we started talking about how I got into heroin. And then we talked a lot about the guys and Bandit.

My counselor was trying to make sure I wasn't "replacing the drug with a girl," because it did sort of look that way. But no, I'm getting clean for her, for me, for my friends, for my music. I'm doing this to get my life back together, she just happens to be my greatest motivator. He was actually happy to hear that, he just warned me about relationships and this kind of thing though, but I don't really care. Whenever both of us are ready, it's happening.

I have about two and a half weeks left in here. My doctor and counselor say I'm doing good and shouldn't need to stay any longer than I planned to, which is a relief. I meant it when I said I wanted to get off of this so I'm glad I'm actually getting through it.

After therapy I just stayed in bed. I watched a few movies and when I got bored I grabbed my notebook and started writing. I've been writing a lot lately. I wrote a few songs about both Bandit and Adrienne, songs about just Bandit, songs about my friends, songs about my family, and my personal favorite, a song about cross dressing.

Of course I didn't have my guitar to actually make these actual songs but we need the lyrics. Once we have band practice I'm sure we won't have a hard time putting chords and a beat behind it. I can't wait to have Green Day back. I have ideas for our next two albums and once Mike graduates we can go out on tour all we want.

I can't wait to go back to my life. I don't know what I was doing last summer. I wish I never did it. I hate to say it but I wish I never got involved with Adrienne. She's an amazing person and I do value you her company but if I had stopped myself from getting involved with her I would've had one less thing to apologize for.

My phone rang while I was mid thought. I picked up the phone next to my bed. "Hello?"

"Hey man," it was Mike's voice.

"Oh hey," I said, my mood boosting.

"How ya doing?" He sighed.

"Oh y'know, feel like total shit," I answered. "I've got a lot of songs though."

"Sick! We'll get them stage ready when you're done in there," he said.

"So what's up?" I asked.

"Larry called," he told me.

"What?" I was surprised, I thought he'd be done with us.

"He hasn't seen any of us in a while so he was calling to see if we're alive," he laughed.

"What'd you say?" I asked.

"I said we've been sort of on a break from Green Day. Tré's been living his romance life, I've been trying to finish school, and you've been working things out with your ex since you two just broke up," he explained.

"Did you tell him where I am?" I asked.

"No, if you want him to know that's for you to tell him," he assured me.

"Thanks," I let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh he also asked if we wanted to put that album together," he added.

"Well I do have a good amount written," I shrugged.

"Yeah," he answered, "he wanted us in there after we did 39 Smooth to get that going so he was curious."

"I'll show you and Tré what I got when I'm done in here and then we'll decide," I said.

"That's what I figured," he laughed.

"How's the world?" I asked.

"The actual world fucking sucks but the gang is okay. Tré and Lisea are basically married, Bandit's mad that Gerard and Mikey had to leave, we haven't seen James, Al, and Chris in few days but I'd assume they're the same," he explained.

"Good, did you guys get the Bowie tickets?" I asked.

"Hell yeah!" Mike answered.

"That show is gonna be so much fun," I exhaled, "Bandit's gonna lose her shit!"

"She's gonna go into a fangirl frenzy or some shit," he laughed, "I'm so excited."

"Me too," I agreed.

"She started listening to our music again," he told me. I smiled at that. "She actually listened to 39 Smooth!"

"She never listened to it?!" I asked.

"No! We didn't have it on vinyl until she was gone and by the time she got back she did not wanna hear you and I forgot to give her her copy until today," he said.

"At least she has it now," I sighed. I thought it was sent to her for Christmas, but I guess they decided against that since she was beyond pissed at me. I knew she wasn't listening to our music for a while though, she was pretty upset when we played the songs about her when I was busy being an asshole.

"Warning she might attack you since we finally recorded Pasalaqua," he told me.

"She's probably gonna break that damn record just by listening to that song," I laughed.

"Oh yeah, I gave it to her this morning and she nearly killed me for not giving it to her earlier because of Pasalaqua! Not because we put out an album, no she said 'you recorded my favorite song and didn't give me the fucking record?!'" He was laughing.

"Sounds like her," I laughed with him. I'm glad she has it. She is our number one fan after all.

"Yeah," he took a breath, "another warning for our visit tomorrow, Tré bleached his hair."

"Him and I are hair twins now," I laughed.

"I don't know who wears the blonde better," he laughed.

"Definitely Tré," I laughed, "he's the cute one."

"I don't know you're both sexy fuckers," he laughed.

"You got good arm candy."

"Fuck yeah, I only marry top of the line arm candy!" We continued to laugh. "Holy shit I missed talking to you."

"You too, Mike," I sighed, "maybe I would've been less dumb if I didn't shut out my best friend."

"I'm not too sure about that but you definitely would've had me yelling at you a lot," he said.

"That's what I mean, after a while I probably would've listened! But who the hell knows. All that matters is that we're good now."

"Eh you didn't listen to me when I was yelling at you. But definitely, even though a part of me still wants to kick your ass!"

"You have every right to!" We laughed at that.

"Okay, I'm gonna head over to Tré's and make sure he's not burning his house down. I'll see ya tomorrow," he said.

"Have fun with that, bye," I replied.

"Bye," he said before hanging up.

I set the phone back in the cradle and voiced my thoughts, "what the fuck was wrong with me over the summer?!"

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