Chapter 24: Life Goes On

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Bandit's POV
One week later

I was sitting in Tré's living room with Mike, Tré, Lisea, Chris, James, and Al. It was mostly Tré and Lisea cuddling while me, James, Chris, Al, and Mike talked about whatever bullshit came into our heads.

"Mike I'm serious," Chris was going on about wanting a girlfriend. He's interrogating Mike about how he got a girlfriend while the rest of us are laughing our asses off. Maybe he'd get one if he wasn't so desperate. "How did you get Chelsea?! She was literally the perfect girlfriend until she y'know fucked you over."

"I met her at Gilman and we got talking and went on a date, pretty simple," Mike shrugged.

"Then you somehow got her," Chris pointed at me and rolled his eyes.

"Umm," I tried to sound offended even though I couldn't stop laughing, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you're hard to get," Chris shrugged.

"Explain further," I glared at him.

"You're pretty and you have a personality, you're hard to find," he explained.

"Aw thanks Chris," I smiled.

"Anytime, but anyway Mike how did you get two girls that easily?" Chris continued grilling Mike.

"Yeah, two girls," James laughed.

"What?" Chris looked up at him.

"Nothing," the four of us said in unison.

"You guys are weird," Chris said.

"Chris, why can't you just wait for the right girl?" Mike asked.

"I'm impatient," he shrugged.

"You're impossible!" All of us yelled.

There was a knock at the door and everyone looked up. We all spend way too much time together, this is just weird. "Okay sure no one get up," Tré rolled his eyes, "I'll get it."

"It's your house, shouldn't you open the door?" Al asked.

"You've got a point," Tré shrugged then opened the door. "Oh my god where the hell did you come from?"

I leaned back to see out the door. Definitely a guy, taller than Tré, has really nice hair but I can't see his face.

"I know, I was driving back from L.A. and I thought I'd stop by," the guy laughed. His voice was relaxed and very... different. It was husky and low.

"Well kids," Tré turned around, "my cool cousin is here." He stepped aside revealing his cousin who was standing in the doorway. All I have to say is he is too attractive.

He has a sharp jawline and cutout cheekbones. His eyes were a deep brown and had auburn hair. He was around Gerard's height and he's fucking buff. He wore a black tank top and shredded jeans.

"Someone's enjoying the view," Mike mumbled to me.

"Shut the fuck up Mike!" I whisper yelled.

Tré's cousin came in and Tré began introducing him to everyone. "Well everyone this is Xander, and for some reason he thinks he's cooler than me." Every laughed a little bit. No one is cooler than Tré, I mean his name literally means "Very Cool".

"So Xander you know Mike already, but with him we have James the other cool one, Al the sophisticated one, Chris the dumber version of me, and Bandita the badass," Tré explained. Why does he always have to introduce me as a 'badass'? I would rather 'my friend that smokes too much' over 'badass'. "And over here on the couch is my beautiful girlfriend Lisea."

Xander went around and shook hands with everyone. When he got to me he took my hand and said, "I take it your names is not actually 'Bandita'."

"It's actually Bandit, Tré has a thing for nicknames," I replied.

"Oh I know," he smiled and let go of my hand. He's so attractive... how is he related to Tré?! Okay that was mean but still, this guy is a top of the line model. He sat down next to Mike and hung out with us the rest of the day.


Hours went by and it was getting dark out. I should probably go home but fuck that. I really like Tré's cousin. He's in college, plays bass, and is really funny. And he's cute.

"You coming to my house tonight or going home?" Mike asked me.

"I would go to your house but I haven't been home in two days," I told him.

"Isn't that your goal?" He laughed.

"Yeah, but the longer I'm away the more trouble I'll be in," I rolled my eyes just speaking about it.

"True," he nodded.

"Yeah, I guess I'll see you tomorrow," I sighed. The only reason why I was going home is to call Gerard. I walked next door into my house. No one was downstairs thankfully.

I picked up the phone and dialed Gerard's number. It rang a few times and I got a "Hello?" It's Mikey!

"Mikey!" I cheered.

"Oh hey Bandit!" His tone lifted.

"You excited for break?!" I asked.

"Oh yeah, I haven't left Jersey in two years," he sighed.

"I'd give my life for that right now," I rolled my eyes. I wish I hadn't left Jersey two years ago.

"I know," he laughed. I heard someone talking in the background. "Bandit," Mikey said.

"Bitch give the phone!" It's Gerard. "Hey honey!" Gerard now had the phone.

"Hello my darling," I returned trying not to laugh.

"You've been calling me daily, good job," he sounded happy.

"You should be proud," I added.

"I sure as shit am! Anyway, it's almost spring break!" He cheered.

"I'm so excited! Two more weeks and I'll finally see you, ugh I really need you," I sighed.

"Oh honey, I know," he said.

"Yeah so I met a cute guy..." my voice trailed off.

"Okay then! Moving on finally I see! Tell me all about him," he's happy, that's a good sign.

"Well he's Tré's cousin... but he's funny, he's in college, plays bass, and doesn't seem like a total fucking idiot," I explained.

"That's it? That's all you know?!" He asked sounding unimpressed.

"I met the dude a few hours ago!" I defended.

"Okay whatever, he's staying at Tré's right?" He asked.

"Yeah," I answered.

"Get to know him more, go on a date or something," he said.

"I'll try," I laughed.

"You better bitch, you need to move on," I can tell he just rolled his eyes... I know him too well.

"I know!" Holy shit, I can actually go on with my life? Wow.

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