Set Up

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"I'll be right outside if you need anything, Miss Kyle." With a polite smile I set my purse on the table of the vault and waited for the door to close before getting to work. I had a key to Selina's box, she gave it to me some time ago in case of emergency. Well, this wasn't exactly an emergency, more of a job. Along with emptying the valuables from Selina's box, I grabbed the lock pick from my bag and another bag before moving to quickly empty the rest of the security boxes.

I was about halfway through when one of the automatic weapons fired, signalling me to hurry along and finish. My body snapped upright when the door opened a few minutes later, the Joker's eyes boring into me. "I'm done," I informed, holding out the bag of cash, jewls, and other valuable items. He grinned, taking the bag and slinging it over his shoulder, his other arm curling around my neck.

"Good job. Now for the fun part." I stiffened and grabbed his wrist tightly when I felt a blade bite into my neck.

"What're you doing?" I carefully asked, trying to keep my throat from moving too much. Joker only giggled madly and started to drag me out of the room. I couldn't keep my feet under me, all my focus on keeping my airways open and the knife away from my skin.

"Now," he announced as he dragged me into the open room full of hostages, "it's been a lovely evening. However, my associates and I must be going." I finally got my feet under myself but froze when I could feel the blade cut a small line in my neck, not understanding what was happening at all.

"J?" I asked hesitantly, too scared to utter more than a letter.

"Don't be scared, doll," he cooed in my ear. "It's all part of the plan." He slowly withdrew the blade from my neck and when I finally took a proper breath, he stabbed me in the thigh, pain searing down my leg. "And sometimes, plans need a fall guy, you know this. Its finally your turn." I swallowed hard but didn't make a sound, my body crumbling the minute he let me go. I could feel the pain all the way through my limb, my hands shakily reaching for the gun in my waistband.

By the time I had raised it, Joker was already at the doors, the van parked right outside. I fired a few shots in anger, some hostages screaming and the Joker laughing as he continued to leave, the following shots getting no closer to hitting him as they drove away and the police arrived.

I was handcuffed to a table in an interrogation room, waiting grumpily for someone to come and process me. I had been alone for about twenty minutes before the door opened, an older man looking down at me. "Good afternoon, Miss Doe. I'm Detective Gordon. Is there anything I can call you besides Jane Doe?" he asked as he took a seat across from me. I glared at him, my leg throbbing with pain. "Right," he sighed, opening up a file and flipping through its contents. "Well, whoever you are, you must be smart. We have no way of tying you to the crime."

I closed my eyes. It was supposed to be a good thing, but. There was always a but. "But the tattoo behind your ear directly links you into the Joker's crew. We can't just overlook that detail in the robbery. Along with the fact that the Joker entered the vault with nothing in hand but came out seconds later carrying you and a bag of riches." He pulled a paper from the file and laid it on the table for my viewing, a security cam showing the teller lead me in. "You were the last person in that vault, Miss Doe; alone for ten minutes before he entered."

"So what's gunna happen to me?" I asked, my brown eyes lazy drifting over his wrinkles and graying hair.

"When we finger-printed you, we couldn't get a definative print. For now, we can't ID you. Until we can, you'll go on to your trial as Jane Doe and the judge overseeing your case will decide," the detective informed.

"And if I tell you my name?" I questioned, wanting to cover all my bases.

"Then you'll go to trail with your name and the judge will decide," Gordron reiterated, making me frown in distaste. I may be young but he already knew I wasn't stupid, despite making me feel that way.

"I want my phone call," I calmly demanded, my eyes clashing with his equally hard eyes.

"Give me your name and I can arange that." With an impatient sigh, I leaned back in my cold metal chair. I knew it wasn't necessary that I gave him my name, if I tried hard enough he would eventually let me call, but you get more flies with honey, and being at least a little cooperative would help me somehow.

"Call me Andy." The detective raised his brows and waited a short moment for me to continue. Realizing I wouldn't, he reached out to the middle of the table and released me from it, careful to recuff me and hold a strong grip on my upper arm.

"Let's go then, Andy." Detective Gordon helped me limp down a short hall to a pay phone, handing me the necessary change. "You're gunna want that call to be important. You many not have many chances here." I frowned further as I inserted the change and held the phone to my ear, pressing the buttons and looking around me as I waited for the ringing to stop. But they rang on and on. When it went to voicemail, I couldn't say I was very surprised.

"Cat, look, I didn't take anything I know you'd need and I'm sorry," I whispered quietly into the phone, not wanting Gordon to hear my little confession. "I'm caught in a mess and I could really use your help. Please don't be too mad." Hesitantly, I hung up the phone, allowing Gordon to lead me back to the interrogation room. After securing me back to the table he picked up his files and went back to the door.

"You just wait here, Andy," he informed before leaving. Yeah, like there was much else I could do.

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