...Jiggity Jig

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Sticky fingers had been my toughest habit to break. Truth is, I still really haven't broken it. With some cash I managed to nab from Wayne without Alfred hanging around, I got Barry a nice suit and myself a short, blue dress. If I was going to drag him into a possible death trap, I could at least accomadate to his prefrences. After buying everything, he ran us back to one of the upstairs bathrooms in Wayne Manor, holding a finger to his lips before getting ready. I loved how he played into my actions; I didn't tell him where I got the money, but he must've known I didn't bring it from my stash at home.

I had a smile on my lips as I pulled on my dress, feeling it widen when Barry's fingers were on my back before he pulled up the zipper with me having to even think to ask him. "Thank you, mátia mou," I whispered, feeling his lips press to my shoulder in response. As tempted as I had been to put him in red, I helped him pick out a grey blazer instead, enjoying the depth it brought to his eyes.

He adjusted his pants around his hips as I took his bow tie from the counter and flipped up his collar, noticing how far his hair came down over the rim. After he tucked his shirt into his pants, he kissed my cheek, waiting for me to finish before shrugging on his blazer. I had barely stepped into a pair of silver heels before Barry lifted me off my feet and we were leaving the mansion.

I found it funny he thought he knew where to go, I hadn't told him where other than the East End, and when my feet hit the ground again I took a deep breath, loving the smell of blood, sweat, and gasoline that clung to the air. I was back in my element, back in my stomping ground, the streets I was raised on. Barry had that same look about him he did at the rave last week, watching me slink back into my nature in mild awe.

I loved his intuition when it came to me, we were only a block and a half from our destination. "This way," I directed, linking my arm through his. As we walked, he pulled my hand into his and tightly wrapped his fingers through mine before he kissed the back of my hand. The club was unmarked, so if you didn't know where it was, you probably never would. Taking the steps down to the door, I lost my smile but kept my pleasant air, looking over the bouncers.

"ID, little miss," one of them tried, to which I scoffed.

"I don't think you'll be needing it from me, Mick. After all, you've let me in here since I was sixteen." The brute of a man studied me for a moment before a wide smile broke on his lips.

"Andy," he realized. "It's been four years, girl. Look how you've grown." I chuckled as Mick's eyes drifted over Barry. "He treating you good?" he challenged defensively.

"Better than anyone you've seen me with," I laughed, patting his shoulder as he let Barry and I through.

"Sixteen, hmm?" Barry inquired as I led him over to a booth, his eyes skimming over the lively environment.

"I was a delinquent, for sure," I laughed, sitting with him and laying my hand on his leg. Barry was an amazing claim, I knew plenty of regulars, as well as the faces I didn't know, would want to take him for themselves if they got the chance. I'm glad I'm no longer one of those girls, only looking for trouble to bring home. I had enough trouble tonight to begin with.

A waitress came by and asked for an order, so when Barry said no, I ordered two kamakazis. "What're you doing?" he asked in my ear.

"They're not for me," I shrugged. "I just wanna blend in." The back of my dress was low enough to expose the galaxy on my skin, so I rested my right shoulder against his chest. When the waitress returned with the drinks I set one before Barry and took a sip of the other, lightly cringing.

"I thought those weren't for you?" he chuckled.

"They're not," I breathed, handing him the drink as his other hand slid around my waist. "They're for you." Barry's hand stilled at my hip as he gave me a pointed look. "What? You'll burn through them pretty quick, I just wanna see." I gave him a wide smile and drifted my fingers over the glass, "If you don't drink 'em, I will, and I'll stay drunk. Oh, and I wouldn't use your speed in this place, they don't take kindly to the vigilante type."

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